Crevasse_b2 bug

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QuoteeC4 did a great job by finding a bug on the map Crevasse_b2! I already contacted the map creator (no response yet), it will hopefully be changed in a new version.

To see the bug, click here.

The ET-Cup does NOT allow any clan to use this in official ET-Cup matches any time, if you have used this bug your match will be forfeited in favour of your opponent.

( eC4`et|hentai ) basically, it involves one person stacking onto the roof
( eC4`et|hentai ) above where the keycard is placed
( eC4`et|hentai ) an engineer on the roof, can be kill revived by the medic
( eC4`et|hentai ) whilst on the roof, he can jump from the roof to below, _past_ the grate with his revive shield
( eC4`et|hentai ) land safely, and skip the earlier objectives
what is it? Too lazy to watch
make a clip pls
I'm making one right now, but NxM cant wait :(
the whole map is a big ugly bug.

JUST REMOVE IT or rename it to cancer_b2
I prefer being honest !
the map improved alot since B1 imo.

Just tested it in #1day-cup final and it looked good.
I dont have this map anyway so I dont rly care
rofl nice bug
make a clip fast
But what's the end obj? It's something weird , you've got 3 holes :X
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