Two screen help

A few days ago I got myself a second screen (Acer H235H [23"]).
Now I got a few questions:

I already set up that most of my applications start on the "right screen" (the Acer) which I want to use for firefox, winamp, TS, vent and all that stuff.
The "left screen" (my Samsung) is the one I want to use for ET only. That's working. BUT I want to be able to switch between the screens without minimizing ET so I can still follow the game but have my mouse and keyboard on the other screen.
I once saw a guy using two screens and a G15 who was able to keep his CS open but switch to the other screen via a hotkey or smth like that.

If anyone knows how to do that?

Second is that my ET always starts on the screen I have my taskbar (windowsbar). Now I want to Windowsbar on the Acer but my ET should start on the Samsung, how to do that?

Thanks in advance

image: smoking_hot_chick_in4156
alt tab to other app on the second screen should unfocus ET
it will also disable sound tho

you cant force ET to launch on a secondary screen afaik so i got my taskbar on my CRT and browsing etc on my LCD, you'll get used to it, it's actually great and leaves more place for browsing
Yeah but with that solution I still have to minimize to open programs from my taskbar (like winamp and some other progs. cuz ET would be active and filling the whole screen hiding the taskbar.
download a little handy program called ultramon and with that u can have ur own taskbar on secondary screen aswell and if u minimize things there it will appear on the taskbar of the secondary screen.

here is the link:
i got hotkeys for most frequently used programs
run it windowed but on the resolution of your screen
seems to be the most reasonable thing to do no? Also wonder why he's not doing it^^
Yep, just run it windowed.

And when you get ultramon from the link above try this for your second problem:

image: 37395809

Never tried it myself so dunno if it works
Working, thanks.
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