Nikita S01E01

Just watched and I think its gonna be a good serial. Its a remake of older one.

Some info
weird show that was
i just bought myself a book :>
me too, what book?
image: denken-sie-nicht-an-einen-blauen-elefanten-thorsten-havener

Its about psychology and reading minds. I already read his first book and there are a lot of nice tricks ! I tried them at my friends and they worked 80%/90% :P im really interested in stuff like that and thats why i had to buy this when i saw it :)

PS: "denken sie nicht an einen blauen elefanten" = title of the book and means: Dont think about a blue elefant"
latest read of fiction was "a beautiful mind"

my next read would probably be:
image: 51c2qaLDncL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA300_SH20_OU01_

Its about psychology and ancient philosophy, which i believe is still applicable in modern times.
I clicked but i cant look inside... help please.
as if I ever really expected anyone on crossfire to have a common interest in stoicism.
I think the serial is 123-gtfo-you-silly-polak.
Movie was better
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