/exec CFG

why do cfg`s not execute properly sometimes?

like when i start up ET and even before i switch to etpro mod, i /exec my cfg.
but when i /exec during gaming and do /vid_restart, sometimes it doesnt work properly and it looks different and name doesnt change etc etc...
i even get different servers in the server list when /execing resp. not /execing at game startup.


also, if i change the cfg in game and do /writeconfig, it appears in etpro folder but its waaay smaller (before 78kbs, after 17kbs) and it contains less info stuff, like half of commands are not even there.


im sure some knowledged ppl may give explanation.

Get rid of all your configs and start fresh, in both etpro and etmain folders, you might have 2 configs conflicting with eachother or something
This is the first journal I have seen in days where the first answer isn't some stupid reply. I tip my hat to thee good sir.
:P he actually changed it hahah :D
hm, i deleted almost all cfg`s but i give it a try! thanks!
/exec cfg
/bind mouse "say ^2THANKS ICEQ"
do i have to do /cvar_restart only once?

gonna try it. danke!
you could put cvar_restart on top of your cfg :)

and dont forget the last one! it's very important
Quoteyou could put cvar_restart on top of your cfg :)

oh! you so intelligent :D

Quoteand dont forget the last one! it's very important

/bind mouse1 "say ^vTHANKS ICEQ"
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