You Just Got Hustled #1

So after being very bored United KingdomMe and NetherlandsRockskin decided to install Amnesia: The Dark Descent :(

image: amnesia2
image: amnesia4
image: amnesia1
image: amnesia3

Screw this game :< i was jumping at every single footstep i was so scared so, its fucked up scary i quited when i got attacked by some random thing that i didnt even see cause i jumped so high in the air, rocky quited after he died at some messed up water thing

My reaction in the trailer :D

image: Untitled

My reaction when i started the game and the door started swinging open so i ran into a closet and hid there for like 10 minutes :D:D

image: mizziscared1

And we are doubting that i am english with my failing at spelling :(

image: mizzispelling2

So after i had the fright of my life with that moron game we decided to go play CoD4 Star Wars Mod with Swedenvoid and we approve of this mod :D:D:D

image: 3333

So how was your night :P

Random Song:

Trailer for Amnesia:
:D:D:D :D :D

game was so awesome and scary at the same time
No no no :(
what do you mean? :P
why do girls have periods? :(
so they can whine at men for 3 days without getting beat up
well i txt'd a girl for sex and she said she's on her period wtf is this shit :\
that means you can do it without condom
no means she gonna get shitty blood on me fuck that shit
jinosta.. girls r more sensitive when they r on period.. but they say they feel dirty.. so u can ask them to do it in the shower..
Lol?! i used to fuck my ex in shower anyways :x
"i toke a more heavier alcoholic drink now"
[01:45] Rockskin.f2k: wanna bet someone is going to quote that "going to take a heavier alcoholic drink now"?
completed it the other day. wasnt what id call scary, it had some creepy moments but had the potential to be scarier.

then again im a manly man.
basically youre running around while you cant see shit?
pretty much but you can hear everything
gamma up
scary down
i did that but it didnt work too good :D still hid inside a room when i heard something move
casuals, its meant to be played in darkness.
i'm playing deadspace pretty scary ! :D
seriously it cant be as scared as i was in this every breathe i would just scream on vent then run away into a closest or something :D
hehe nice one, i'll try it sometimes <3
I don't think you would cope with Silent Hill.
amnesia @ ibiza = win
I'd say try Silent Hill or Alone in the dark :p
its: Rocksing & Me

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