You Just Got Hustled #1
12 Sep 2010, 00:40
So after being very bored Me and Rockskin decided to install Amnesia: The Dark Descent :(
Screw this game :< i was jumping at every single footstep i was so scared so, its fucked up scary i quited when i got attacked by some random thing that i didnt even see cause i jumped so high in the air, rocky quited after he died at some messed up water thing
My reaction in the trailer :D
My reaction when i started the game and the door started swinging open so i ran into a closet and hid there for like 10 minutes :D:D
And we are doubting that i am english with my failing at spelling :(
So after i had the fright of my life with that moron game we decided to go play CoD4 Star Wars Mod with void and we approve of this mod :D:D:D
So how was your night :P
Random Song:
Trailer for Amnesia:
Screw this game :< i was jumping at every single footstep i was so scared so, its fucked up scary i quited when i got attacked by some random thing that i didnt even see cause i jumped so high in the air, rocky quited after he died at some messed up water thing
My reaction in the trailer :D
My reaction when i started the game and the door started swinging open so i ran into a closet and hid there for like 10 minutes :D:D
And we are doubting that i am english with my failing at spelling :(
So after i had the fright of my life with that moron game we decided to go play CoD4 Star Wars Mod with void and we approve of this mod :D:D:D
So how was your night :P
Random Song:
Trailer for Amnesia:
game was so awesome and scary at the same time
then again im a manly man.
scary down