Starcraft 2 45 Pounds?

I wanted to check that I'm not doing something crazily wrong here, I want to buy Starcraft 2 from Battle net but it says its 45 pounds! I think the last time I bought a game for that kinda money it was on the N64, am I doing something wrong or are they really trying to rape me for that much money? Its 35 on Amazon new, how can it be cheaper on Amazon????
They'll rape you for that much because you'll end up paying that much.

I don't know why amazon is cheaper. I went to amazon first, saw it was £35 and thought "O I'll buy it direct from blizzard then, it'll be cheaper." How wrong was I?

Also, when you buy it, I'm going to rape you at it. I smashed Meez last night and he's broodwar pro
I'll get it free somehow, I was willing to pay 30 quid for it but now I'm hellbent on getting a free copy.
because, my dear tosspot, they need moniez, and only stupids pay em moniez, so they think u stupid cuz' they want ur moniez
Yes, it really is that expensive at Blizzard. You'll get a free WoW-trial with it though!
Buy a copy of SC2 in a store and you'll even get a voucher!
Isn't a WoW trial already free?
blizzard can't lower the price under the recommended retail price. so the reseller are cheaper.
let's beyblade!
bought it from Amazon.

Im kinda not playing anymore though. :(
tossy you should be able to get this free, no? :-o
dont be so cheap :X
I thought you were a true pimp, how wrong was I...
when u get it Toss u better play me.

[email protected]

ill reaper rush ure ass.
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