Some Chinese dude hacked into my email :D

Hey cf,

I didnt check my mails for like 4 days or so,
so I logged in only to find this message above my emails:
Quote"Waarschuwing: wij denken dat je account onlangs is benaderd vanuit China ("

"POP3 Onbekend China ( 04:48 (7 uren geleden)"

Quote"Warning: we think that your account has been visited from China ("

"POP3 Unknown China ( 04:48 (7 houres ago)"

What to do?

image: art.hacker1.cnn
Report to killerboy!
dont change your password, he might have to "hack" it again
born to troll?
Change your adress :=)
maybe you visited your mail from a proxy?
Report him to Chinese authorities, I bet there is a death penalty punishment for using internet, especially when hacking to some foreigners account in order to get some real informations from rest of the world.

Or at least somekinda beating / jail time.
I joined! ^_^

just some china teenager..just use Superscan to scan your ports,if someone is following ..anyway ask Uroz he knows that...
is that message from your email provider or just a random email?
Gmail put it someswhere around here
image: Untitled-2

I'm 100% sure it was legit
Was placed above the random ads
chinad hard
doland :)))

image: doland
any dl link avi?
blokhead pwnz
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