Bodybuilding for pros ! #5

yeah nolifers, its my 5th huge package but probably last because my money is almost gone.
but hey, u never know.

image: dsc00072o

random vid.

image: Arnold+Schwarzenegger+picture+1
nice :D how much for all these products ?
around 250 euro
nice price so ;)
More than stack of roids....well spend moner :P
Always knew that you are gay.
Idiots are always good to make you feel better. Gives you a sense of superiority.
so you can imagine how i must have felt in spain with you guys around :P:P

looooooooooool burn

e: no but seriously, sup? :P:P
soon me to :P send picature of hair :P = me now
next PolandalexL
Do you really want to have a body like Arnie in his prime time?
Arnold didnt have any calves + hes more handsome than you

having small balls
call ur dad so he can transfer u some money... its not like ur working
haha, all these pills have fun...
Not this shit again!
actually Im happy
I'm glad that buying all that shit makes you happy :)
Im investing in my body so Im happy as hell :)
Then do some smart invests.
Well if you wanna waste your money go ahead.
Agreed! Whats everything youve got there? list them pls. All i use personally is protein powder+creatine+glutamine+multivitamin i dont use bcaa's unless im cutting you dont really need them when bulking which im doing again just now but if youve got the extra money for it then go for it :P.

whats your weight and measurements?

Im about 13 stone 3 pounds (about 84kg) , Arms 16 1/4" - Chest 42 " - thighs 25" (just under) calves 16 1/2 "

Im gonna continue to bulk until around may next year then start cutting weight slowly through the summer months.

Whats your goals with your weight and measurements?
Glutamine prove no work? And multivitamin is stupid during bulk....

Chemically, levorotary-glutamine is a levorotary-glutamic acid with its hydroxyl group replaced by an amine group, thereby the -amine suffix.

It is a naturally produced molecule in the beta globin chain of the hemoglobin.

So, chemically speaking, it is essential for proper hemoglobin function. A healthy hemoglobin carries 4 oxygen to and from vital organs. Therefore, unless you have anemia, glutamine supplement is unecessary.

If no roids only Creatine, Protein(1.8 g/KG bodyweight), and bcaa is optional like u say...but glutamine is waste even if cheap....

WEIGH 85 kg
CHEST: 120cm
ARMS(small cuz is stupid mussel for fight so i no want cuz is stupid but for look good is good) 39-40cm
Waist: 79 cm
Glutamine is proven to speed up muscle recovery and muscle soreness after a workout with stimulation of glycogen resynthesis,stimulation of protein synthesis, reduction in muscle soreness and improved muscle tissue repair, you can find any study to contradict the other on the internet and prove whatever point want. Recovery is key for growth for any natural bodybuilder as im sure you know,so for me i wouldnt go without glutamine for that extra bit of help with recoveryand soreness.Its not essential for muscle growth at all but every little helps.

Multivitamin isnt stupid during bulk either, i ony eat minimal veggies hate them but i eat small amount every day , so i need the extra vitamins.
Remember that many studies conducted on BB supplements are ordered by the very companies who want to sell the substance. I take glutamine myself because it is close to free and has no negative side-effects. The "positive" effects are not certain at all even though some studies has shown that the users experience less muscle-soreness(mainly). On healthy people it is not something which will change your results in a remarkable way, that we know for a fact. On the other hand if you do not bother about the "risk" of it not working for the money then sure why not use it.

But to make it clear there are studies showing different results(some say it is useless others that its really good). My only concern about BB supplements is the fact that it is easy to conduct a rather cheap study to back your product up.

If you are this serious about gaining mass then you know what "supplement" you have to do anyhow. Unless you are currently competing in a sport where its illegal(easy to hide). You should look up some of the "healthier" roids which has close to 0 proven serious side-effects. It is the most cost-effective performance enhancer and some hardly gives any negative effects.

Edit: Many of the better protein-powders has all the l-glutamine in it already as well. Which means you will get your dose of it from a normal shake. Read the amino-acid description on your powder. Mine has 15 G per 100 grams which means you get 10 grams~ in your shake. So if you take 200 gram proteinpowder per day you get all you need. (it exists in normal food to.)
My muscle soreness can last 2 or 3 days after a heavy back workout or leg workout if im not taking glutamine, but if i am taking glutamine its only sore for the first day after a workout and then it seems to subside quickly on the start of the second day. So it definetly helps me with recovery and thats all im taking it for in the first place.

On the roids issue i honestly wouldnt touch them, i know they can be took easily with minimal or no side effects at all but personally i feel thats taking the easy way out. But i dont judge anyone for taking them its all personal choice but its not for me.

On a bulk it can take me about a month and a half to put half an inch on my arms, with roids i could do 4 times as much as that or more in only a week if i wanted to take them, so its cheating and taking the easy way out i feel.

EDIT: i know glutamine is in protein powder but i only have one shake a day after a workout, my other 5 meals are all whole food meals.
Depends on what your goal is with the training of course. And about the may have protein powder with a low amount of it? Cuz for me there is no difference if I take it or not as my daily dose of it is already above recommended dose. Well I cannot really see how it is taking the easy way out as it is more psychologically demanding to work out more(which you can with roids) than doing less and gaining less without it.

It must be seen as psychologically more challenging to force yourself to spend 2 hours at the gym for every 1 hour you would without it? But then again I do not know your goals so it may very well be that for your goals it is taking the easy way out. (for example if you have a goal to get to 90 kg ripped and never more it may be more psychologically challenging to not gain that much a year.)
Its easy to spend hours at the gym while taking roids if your getting the results that roids give.Your easily more able to train for hours because you are seeing the results almost instantly. I honsetly dont judge anyone for doing it its everyones personal choice, but i give alot more respect to a natural bodybuilder than a roid user, as a natural bodybuilder has to train for a good few years to get the same amount of muscle that a roid user can get in 3 months so thats why i say its taking the easy way out.

For me i train for 45 minutes at most an hour but 9 times out of 10 its usually 45 mins, and i focus on the big basic compund movements , squats,deadlifts,bench,overhead press,dips,rows,weighted pullups, with very little isolation exercises other than barbell curls,tricep extensions.
the way its meant to be done! =)
poor stupid polaks ;x zyklon-b pills :z
crack to the right? lolololololol
fucken polaks
Oh look another faggot who felt for the marketing of the supp business
mass gainer .. pls
indeed eheheh he noob u burn him xD
like you would need that shit :D
Why don't you just buy muscle triplicator bars....? :<
use synthol or gtfo fag
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