installing mafia2

I have a legit copy of mafia2 (yes i do! :D) but i want to install it on my desktop pc which doesnt have an internet connection -_-

now it seems that i have to connect to steam in order to install mafia2? are you really going to tell me that people without internet can't install mafia2? :DD or is there a way around this?

thanks in advance
you can't

enjoy gaming in 2k10

steam best

pirate it
tho on other hand it's not worth it

mafia 2 is shit compared to mafia 1

don't bother
i already played some of it on my laptop and even with shitty graphics and laggy i still beg to differ :X
... legit.... dnt wna install using steam.... lies...
no it's true :D i only have a very bad wireless connection here and my pc doesn't find it, only my laptop :X but my laptop cant play the game properly

You can create a Steam backup from the game so it should be no problem installing it. I'm not sure though if you have to connect at least once to play it.
Quote by rbntI have a legit copy of mafia2 (yes i do! :D)

Have a look into the Installation Guide

Oh wait ...
Serves you right for paying for an unfinished game
Really good game, only too short & the end is kinda bollox
>Really good game

how can you call game that's less of everything than it's predecessor offered a good game? tho maybe you are right, in todays market where most of content is console ported shit, and shit in general, it indeed can be called a good game
maybe on it's own it's decent, but if you look it with Mafia 1 perspective it's shit

like calling Wolfenstein a good game, while ignoring RTCW
played m both, mafia 2 is pretty good, allround.

Mafia 2 is a good game though, Mafia 1 was just excellent !
Gotta agree. I managed to reach chapter 5 now (I think?) when Vito goes to jail. The missions are somewhat nice and the discussions/dialogues and characters seem to be pretty much copied from any Mafia movie out there (Goodfellas, Sopranos, Godfather..).

But it's certainly missing the coolness of Mafia 1 and this oldschool gangster feeling (kinda hard to explain). The desktop/bluescreen crashes every 20-30 minutes aren't helping either.... First game EVER that keeps on crashing on my PC eventhough I installed new drivers and all that. If you had the same problem feel free to help me :-(
no problems on technical side, stable as a rock, even with excessive alt tab usage :\

i like how in the end you can carry with you 4 smgs, shotgun and 4 pistols, real gangstar :)
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