which of those mousepads?

which of those would you choose and why? Which of those sucks the most and why?

Puretrak Talent
Steelseries qck+/heavy
Razer Goliathus Speed
Roccat Taito

thx bb
qpad ct only good pad
<potty> love toast =]

why wern't u online last night jew?
Steelseries Qck+
Large thin and good for transportations because it is a soft pad

PS: Also bought for my birthday xD
"Large thin and good for transportations because it is a soft pad"
i think this accounts for almost any clothpad :p
I found an exception: steelseries QCK heavy!! :D
It's the biggest of the pads he listed...
and it doesnt wear out fast?
dunno for that... but i googled for certain problems, also for that one, and i found nothing about wear out troubles..
Dunno about wearing out, it has hella initial glide (almost like a plastic pad) but it diminishes over time, but it will still glide fine even when old.
mine wore out after 2 years if i remember correctly.
it wears out VERY fast
Puretrak Talent
Steelseries qck+
really nice to play with this pad, and cheap got it!
and it doesnt wear out fast?
I'm using mine for ~4 months now and it still feels quite good. Also, they're pretty cheap.
using mine for 1year now and its still fine no probs there
Atm using the Roccat Taito and was using the Razer Goliathus Speed for like 1 1/2 years.
I definatly like the Roccat Taito way more than the Razer.
hmm too bad u never used a qck and could compare the taito with it :P
Never saw any Qck in my Media Market :D
Always bought what the Market offered so I actually wanted to buy a second Razer Goliathus Speed, but then they didnt have it so I took the Roccat Taito :P
Talent > Speed > QcK > Taito
Prefer goliathus speed myself. That or puretrack talent imo.
everyone says smth different :P i guess i will take the cheapest (qck+)
qck+ its cheap, great size, robust and good feeling
Talent > QCK > Speed > * cloth wise I think

Got a discount code for the talent if you want one! x
what the price for the talen with discount? i guess i will get a qck+ which is 10€
QCK wore out for me, Puretrak is still fine as when I got it. $18.24 with discount code, $14 shipping
qck wore out for u? .. hmm.. makes deciding hard again ! :P

but actually i can get 2 qck´s for the price of the talent
you could probably get 3 due the the shipping being an estimate. What pads have you had before?
steelseries S&S

@edit: people here say it wore out after 1-2 years :o

Not sure, haven't had mine that long yet. Feels more consistent that all the other pads i've had so far.
the qck+ wears out fairly fast
the qck heavy seems to last longer

I actually don't know why since it should be the same surface :)
heard Puretrak Talent us good
I just tested qck and that is crap
There's not that much variation between pads though bro!
Qck+ for sure

e: heard the taito is shit from various players
talent hands down
i got the Roccat Taito and must say it is a good one, much space to use and a good surface
goliathus speed for you're deathadder:) if you want something durable get steelseries SP or 9HD :)
Razer Goliathus Speed
ich hab das razer destructor.
aber für die 35 euro ist es einfach nur eine scheissplatte aus teflon die bissl feuerbeständig is..
i heard roccat pads have very low friction, so the mouse slides very fast on them, then the goliathus is slower, qck even slower, and dont know about puretrak
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