Baggiez :DDD

Baggiez has given you a warning worth 25 points.
Quote You have broken the language rules.

Your currently have a total of 25 points, when you reach 100 you will be banned. The length of the ban is determined by how many warnings you have received; e.g. If you got banned on your 5th warning then your account will be disabled for 10 days.

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dissing perfo in dutch and then getting 25 points, ja rly
he's just a retard
baggiez cheaterfriend????
baggiez is just doing his job
stop bashing perfo then
You don't bash a perfo.
baggiez just gave u fucking 20warning pts,so what? do u want a medal or something?
no, other people get less warning points so he isnt an neutral admin.
lol kanker
Thats the only way Baggiez rolls baby
perfo crying @ baggiez - baggiez sucking dick of perfo - baggiez gave you instant 25 points.

Only Meez rockz.
u will never diss perfo fag
dissing perfo shouldn't be punished :(
whow you are so cool, im havin' a new idol :o
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