bb snogard dragons

Gooooood morning vietnam.

Dunno, if this is new, but looks like snogard dragons kicked their ET Squad after jaN's cheating case yesterday.

Source (german):

Too lazy to translate everything, but here is the best part:

Quote The team (stray etc.) is still believing that jaN didnt cheat during that match and they will try to prove, that all this was done by a corrupt ESL admin, who did not like jaN personally.

Conclusion: Well done Stray & Co! Very sad to believe that this was just a ESL conspiracy against your team/JaN.

@Kevji: Son, i am disappointed :x
sad day for the e-sports community
why kevji why
Surprised? ={D
ye what else should they do...
they are not a 08/15 mgc managed by kids... their mistake was taking some kiddowsquad like this into such a mgc..
if jan would be intelligent enough to explain how he saw the situation and why he was convinced of the engi being there, that would maybe change things a little but just keeping up that childish behaviour and just laughing and making fun of all trying to bust him with those clips is just dumb...
hi adi
erhaben? was zum? junge komm auf den teppich zurück.
und mit underdogs hat das gar nichts zu tun, sondern einfach daran, dass jan seit je her obvious spielt und auch mit scorch zusammen (welcher ja bekanntlich gebusted wurde).
und das dämliche lan argument kannst du dir auch schenken. nur weil ich auf lan gut aimen kann, heißt das noch lange nicht, dass ich online keinen wallhack nutze, apfel und birne , ne?
das dejavu kommt vielleicht daher, dass du dich ständig mit solchen leuten abgibst.
ist richtig, trotzdem steh ich zu meiner Meinung.
das auch immer wieder dei selben argumente kommt. manche lernen es nie...
English, use it.
haha :D made my day :D
took these idiots 2 weeks to ruin ets competition in the german esports scene...

good job dickheads
was ein fail video
how unexpected by jaN, thx retards.
bist du blöd? was hat das damit zu tun? btw: sound is global! is dir schon klar, dass man den rifle sound lauter hört wenn man die cam in der demo neben die rifle packt?

desweiteren isses nicht mal nen feuchten furz wert, weil die herren ja meinten, sie verschieben einfach mal in dem vid das fadenkreuz so, dass er net innen boden schiesst....

srsly, bist du grad echt so dumm?
lächerlich wie du wieder antwortest student :D
Verpiss dich und laber mich nich voll
Ignore On
du sprichst mich an, ich antworte dir und das ist dann lächerlich und ich soll mich verpissen? :o nungut...

hf beim ignorieren
er ist gerade echt so dumm.
I personally think it is a really hard decision by the esladmins to ban for this one wallshoot

I have to admit that first i looked at the replay from kamz, the major thoughts that made me belive he hacks were the editing & the text...

and still i am not sure if the rifle downstairs could have seen the allied rifel up there...

in my eyes this "drama" is made of the combination between influenced bustmovie, strange wallshoot (could be a coincidence) and rage because of a unexpected loss of which made the admin/the community overreact.

especially the movie is a pretty strong hint for wallhack, but because of this 1 scene (the others could be luck/w.e. tho) a ban.... kinda fuckin hard... if it would have been alexl's gib through the wall, i would understand why there was a bust, but because of the cries of the community & 1 obvious scene...

in my eyes no reason for a ban, i would force him to use slac in the upcoming matches & then we would see if wh or not (or well, we won't see, but if he would be that stupid to hack, then we could cut off his ballz)
its not the first time of such obvious actions. he got banned for this action AND many more in the past.
the fake "unbust" avi is proof enough.
i tried to find the scene with the wallshoot on gtv... somehow it is not there O.o anyone has the correct time?

btw: "many more scenes" is a pretty vague definition, in my eyes the only really odd stuff was the wallshoot, all the other scenes in the bustavi are explainable with luck/brain. i rly don't care about jaN or the team, but what i really care is the ET-community and if there is any explain how this wallshoot could be happend, i would be really pleased to find it, because the damage has been done to the community & now it will be fuckin harder to get some MGC's back in the scene...
its around 10 in defend ofc
he got banned for 4 scenes.
agree, i dont want that end up that leagues start banning from one scene which is not even enough to prove that he cheated
ESL is banning for one scene already since, ever? at least this is what they do in CS.
ja und beim crouchen macht man auch so viel sound 0o
jAN is clean haters! give up!
you thought scrochii is cheating xD xDDD wtf jAN is awesome!
dno what lies they actually told to get themselves into a clan like snogard dragons. jaN certainly impressed with quite the skillboost after making his way from being one of many notoriously retarded goq-pub-players into the "clan-scene" with plasa (a team which was just obvious in every point).
i've not followed the current cheating debate around him, having posted my one and only "busted" journal about him like 3 years ago i probably would tend to agree with the "pro-ban-fraction". nevertheless, i hope it's a shellproof bust, because the actions taken certainly did hurt the "professional" enemy territory scene a lot. going to be quite some cleaning up to do for the project phoenix guys.
IF the bust is a justified one, ban all player involved in the snogard dragon farce.
i is serious cat who is dog
we should give stray & co. an award for this.
who the fuck are they, and wasen't jaN already busted in 2007 or so?
yes he was
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