SSD oh noes

Hey! An ssd has come to my house right now so im really hot, maybe ill fuck it.
Any advice about ssdS?.
And btw dont cry when i pwnz u with new guid ;><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>
231300132 braincells died
nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo :<
rich bastard
Rich? It cost from like 100-150€ (40-80gb) (the intel one) :-o
compared to a 1,5GB SATAII HDD for arround 80€ its kinda expensive
80 euro for 1,5GB SATAII HDD? :XDDDD
a decent 1 ofc, im not talking about hitachi crap
I'd pay about 30 cents for 1,5GB
well...second hand it cost 175€ :< the intel x25-m 80gb
New it cost around 200€
if u use win7 then u dont need to do any tweaks for your ssd.. it will automatically disable/enable anything needed :)
Well, that's partially true, should also download the Intel SSD Toolbox (assuming its an Intel SDD), also disabling Indexing, Defrag, Superfetch and Prefetch. As all those services are mainly there for normal harddrives.
Of course he doesn't have to, heh, or just use the "SSD Tweak Utility".
The model is intel x25-m 80gb
Yeah Pichel, we have the same model.
got an intel postville

defrag,superfetch,prefetech is gettind disabled if needed automatically. from what i know it disabled what ever is the best for the system and the ssd´s performance (superfetch & prefetch). defrag always gets disabled automatically for the ssd.

indexing: i never disabled it.. i find it rly usefull :o

intel ssd toolbox: i have heard/read about it but never installed it.. is it rly needed?
Beasty, my Windows 7 x64 Ultimate did not disable any of those, had to change the Defrag and Superfetch services manually, and the Prefect registry settings manually as well. But any way, none of these settings are essential, or crease a massive performance increase.

About the Toolbox, it's a well known fact that an SSD's life is quite shorter than your normal hard-drive, and intel recommend using it once a week in order to keep it in shape, I'm not the one who'd argue with them.
hmm thats strange.. i have installed win7 3 times on an SSD and everytime it disabled the defrag (only for the SSD.. if there are other HDD´s then these were still enabled) automatically. for prefetch & superfetch: i read that it would only disable them if it increases performance.. so it depends on the SSD i guess

for the lifetime: thats "true".. actually the SSD has limited read/write cycles but these will be enough for ~10 years.. so i dont worry about that

How long have you got before the disk is trashed?
The end result is 51 years!

@edit: i cant even enable defrag for the ssd :o strange lol
Heh, I read that its quite shorter, meh, I think the first version of Intel's SSDs did have a short life time, yet the second generation did improve it quite a lot.
ye from what i read its just like that :)
wtf is this shit?
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