No long a password question


I have a question concerning the visibility of entered passwords.

I lost the letter I received that contained the login data for the various online applications and sites my university uses. Luckily, Firefox remembers my username and password for one website, but I need to login to Blackboard (marvellous piece of web 2.0 by the way) as well with the same data. I obviously can't copy the password from the one password box to the other (since it's all dots) so I was wondering if there was a way to make this password visible so I could write it down, fill it in at the other website and never lose it again.

Any ideas on how to solve this dreadful crisis? :(


How do you like your eggs?

image: penguin1
firefox nub :)

check password options @ firefox, u can show them :)
Oh damn, how come I didn't think of that :(

Thanks a lot, that solved it! :D

I'll change the topic of this journal to something more entertaining now.
reply to me with 5 hot chicks to make up for this !
Will do, talking about eggs is boring anyway.
can i have too
It's hard, I try not to find cheasy stuff :(

Want to search together? In a totally heterosexual way.
it's ok i have time, ill just wait for My Inbox (1)
i just googled around a bit and found some sites dealing with this problem, you will surely find a way!
First of all load up firefox

Look at the drop down menu called 'tools' up the top

In that menu, you will find an 'Options' button. Click it.

Up the top of your menu, you will find a security tab, with a padlock as it's icon. Click it.

Here you will see all of the passwords stored. If you want to look at the password, you must press 'Show Passwords'
Yeah, did that, thanks :-)
say, if i'm formatting my pc, how could i save all the settings and informations (including tabs saved passwords usernames for websites and history) and have it on my formatted pc?
firefox addons that export ur settings :)
u can try mozbackup
extras->options->security->saved passwords->show passwords
Everytime I freak out and make some sort of HELP ME OMFG I'M SO SCREWED journal the solution is ridiculously easy and it makes me feel like a huge dumbass.


I meant the eggs. But this wasnt hard either :D
sometimes boiled, sometimes sunny side up, sometimes scrambled
My uncle's name is Harro.
:) penguin
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