console is empty! Why?

Hi, I am the guy with the problem in his console.
My console just displays 5 lines when ET starts up, the 5th line says "client initialization".
After that nothing is displayed, no kills, stats, server msgs, selfkills or anything else.

there must be a cmd in my "new" cfg which "clears" my console.

if anyone knows this command, please help me!


here is a screenshot from my console, u can see were it starts and where it stops :


u can take a look in my config by clicking on my profile.
I have the same prob;P
Scroll down while having the console opened
might be obvious :P but have you tried just pressing page up then page down?
U have past the rong code :(

Too tiny..
still unexpected

1) Open Console
2) Click with ur mouse in the console somewhere random
3) Scroll with ur mouse but u'll prolly have to go a long way down so Page Down is faster :)
i tried the scroll down thing, and some commands but nothing worked so far.

there must be one cmd which clears my console permanently, but which?
well, don't forget to click in ur console ! if u don't press it and then scroll it won't work...
type /clear

the console output buffer should reset
and still , unexpected.
I only can scroll up, but not down.

"client initialization" is the last message that i get. :(
cl_noclip 0 orl smth
clear doesnt work either
If he needed to scroll down there would be a line of ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
well zomg, format or reinstall cmon
i want to use this config, so i need to know the command to undo console clearout.

hope someone know this command.
try cl_noprint 0
THANK U VERY MUCH @ Swedenhappen

cl_noprint 0 is the right command!

<3 <3 <3 :D
stront gebeurt, gelijk ofdaze in amerika zeggen
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