stupid teachers
31 Oct 2006, 00:11
Vor ein paar tagen musste ich eine Prüfung über Menschenrechte schreiben, naja irgendwie war ich perfekt vorbereitet, aber eine Frage wusste ich irgendwie doch nicht so wirklich, doch wie ich finde hab ich die Situation doch gut gemeistert, jedoch hab ich keinen einzigen Punkt bekommen, was ich irgendwie nicht verstehen kann...
np, me > *
ich haette volle punktzahl +1337 gegeben~
SO correct me if i'm wrong, he had to make an essay about human rights, he had it completely worked out but a couple of questions he couldn't find it and he drew some smileys ?
But together with a free market system, there is also the most liberal way of living possible. And with drawing those smileys he could have ment that you can think/speak/act whatever you feel like without having to fear any governemental oppression.
Or I just think too much ^_^
isch für mi aber trotzdem mehr erwartet ^^
i'm gonna try that too on a test :P
im not even german and i get it
one time i was sleeping in english class and bitch teacher woke me up "what do you think?"
picked my head up and said 'err, jesus'
she paused for 10 seconds and said "hmm yes very clever i assume you are referring to.." and i went back to sleep :d
Stichwort Augemeinbiudig :p
"He had to explain free market system in 1 sentence. "
and the second picture was my answer, but I didnt get points for it :<