New Devil May Cry is in development... Yay

But what the fuck happend with Dantes hair? :00000
oh boy, cant wait.
bah what a fail. he doesnt even have his rebellion anymore?
My hasn't he grown! Massive transformation since the original!
Afaik it should be a prequel to the series and therefore Dante should be younger. :P
I hate prequals. You get these new abilities that you cant do in the earlier games. It's as though the characters forgot how to do them :D
i only played nero by myself :DD
with Malcolm from UT and Sam Fisher from SC, Dante is the coolest character ever
I read new DMX

I got dissapointed :<
looks like this will be another dmc2, disappointing.
lol dante looks a bit like a fag :(

but i dont care...its a DMC game and i bet it will rock! <3
DMC 4 was the best =D
i tought its new Run-DMC
co to za bajki
Defensive Midfielder?
Defensive Midfielder Centre?
DMC 1 is the best. DMC 2 is the worst ever. DMC 3 is just after DMC 1. DMC 4 comes as 3rd cause they couldn't fuck it more up as it happend with DMC 2 (i know that DMC 2 wasn't made by the regular DMC crew). But well okay now lets say it: raping Dante (is that even Dante?) that much is a crime and now we got new worst DMC ever and thats the 5th one!
i love all of the parts <3

but i personally think that the first part is fucking hard.
:( I liked first but then I discovered the truth about DMC 2 and I started to haAAATEEEEE. Then I bought DMC 3 and liked it. Then I dled DMC 4 and I didnt like it but it was a lot better than the 2nd game. And the fifth will fail. Hf playing
what exactly about the 2nd part?

tell me that story honey. :(
(i know that DMC 2 wasn't made by the regular DMC crew) <---- this part. Also the game was just a fuckup
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