180 script journal CB/ESL/SLAC

Is it allowed in this season CUPS/LADDERS CB/ESL?
PRACS (does slac ban for it?)

Last night zerohour used it in CB ladder offi but care to make any conflict even if its banned.
cry baby cry
Im not crying just asking. gonna use it also if its not banned
no afaik
if they dont see u its allowed
i bet you do care if you lost
afaik it's not
ban zerohour
allowed if you dont get busted

you can blame highsens always
nah u cant blame highsense. its so obvious when u use it. u cant do all the time perfect 180's by using highsens.
you can do 180's maybe not perfect everytime but most times
if u spec zerohour u notice everytime he uses it.
it's allowed
its not allowed, just like tj scripts.
but I doubt slac would enforce these scripts as they are not cheats.

And i also think its still a grey area, where the rule against it rarely gets enforced by the leagues disallowing it (there have only been 2 cases that I know of)
esl disallows it pretty clearly, dunno about cb
yes its allowed
ask Finlandmetsuri
he dont know any rules:D! he just bounces around
pretty sure its not... and if its allowed then i rly cant understand why. its the most annoying thing ever. ( playin vs. ppl using it )
SLAC busts are mostly based on config stuff,so watch out!
Its allowed
with PB it's dissalowed, without it you can only be caught and whined at while watching ETTV/demos
PB doesnt detect it dude?!
it logs cvar changes so when you change cl_yawpitch it's shown in the server log
Oh i see. you wise man
what? :s

it's allowed everywhere except on ESL(I think they don't allow it) , pb/slac on or off
afaik CB too, no? there was some story with EURUZ or someone
cb only disallowed it in the seasonal ladder thingy
I didn't see it in the rules
wasnt it etmasters?
cant see why not
nope but hasn't stopped butchji before though
hes polak, what do you expect.
esl disallows it pretty clearly, dunno about cb
Its disallowed on both CB and ESL... i still remember the whine... turnspeed is set to 0 in config, using these scripts is bug abuse
where does it say on CB that it's disallowed?
9. Cheating and abuse

5. It is not allowed to take advantage of or abuse bugs. Any kind of bug abuse is considered cheating and will lead to a forfeit loss, unless otherwise mentioned specifically in the game-related rules.
that's a glitch
glitch, bug, its all the same lol
Quote by wikiA computer glitch is the failure of a system, usually containing a computing device, to complete its functions or to perform them properly. In public declarations, glitch is used to suggest a minor fault which will soon be rectified and is therefore a euphemism by comparison to bug, which is a factual statement that a programming fault is to blame for a system failure.

So while idd glitch=/=bug they work in same way... Ergo ur moron[nothing new] and im full of win right now [im so happy, gonna jerk off]... Ow, and yeah 180 are disallowed...
it's not the same thing

if you like quotes, here you go
QuoteGlitch:In video games, a glitch is a programming error which results in behavior not intended by the programmers.

and you're obviously the moron as displayed multiple times by yourself
i will always wonder, how is it possible to be such an idiot as you...

firstly, i didnt say its the same... they work in same way... but i assume u cant find the difference with your level of IQ...

and about my behaviour @ crossfire... did it ever came up to ur little brain that im just acting? [rethorical question, dont anwser i now dumbass as u coudnt think of it]
work in the same way? flash and html work in the same way; they are used to bring the website to you, dimm and flash work in the same way, cd and dvd work in the same way, is it all the same?

don't worry, I won't ANWSER to a rhetorical question since you NOW
you seriously have problems with understanding some definitions... lol

As i stated earlier, glitch and bug, both give us same result... Ergo we can put them in one case... Same as CD and DVD... purpose of them is to save information... DVD is just extention of CD technology... After you failing time after time, i doubt you are able to understand it so just accept how wrong you are...

PS. you fall for it... Its easier than taking candy from a kid...
you're too stupid to have a conversation with
owwwww im sorry... u couldnt keep up after i stopped to troll and actually used some simple logic and arguments?
you weren't trolling, you're just stupid

now tell me, how can you know if you've been trolled or not?
matter of common sense i suppose... You just know, unless someone is as good as me... trollin when not trollin is my motto

but dont cry, here's Scarlet for you:
image: scarlett_johansson
you have to fix your sense then
not rly... im awesome
Just increase your faggot low sens if you have problems making 180 *_*
It's not allowed because your spread doesn't increase when you use it. That's why it's also so easy to check whether you're using a script or actually turning with your mouse on ETTV.
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