
the fuck dude, the fuck
i know people have raw eggwhites but only about 2 or 3 eggs worth..not that much damn
i may be misinformed, but as far as i know, boiled eggs are just as good
just had a quick look and found this; http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20071004222007AA1WTEM

pretty much explains why raw is better
raw is as good as boiled, only there is a chance of salmonella disease or w/e
what he said before the salmonella is a lot of crap
its pretty argued on forums when im searching it but more people weigh towards raw eggwhites being the purest and richest form of protein

it's because 99% are retards who read loads of bullshit, they think raw eggs are pure protein and goes right to the muscle without the body needing to break the amino acid's in the protein like meat for example
the problem is they are right in this case, it does goes faster, however the big fucking idea here is that it doesn't fucking matters, so basically eat an omlette and don't be a fucktard (not offensive towards u)
haha :DDDD , no offense taken but ty for infos <3
I for one would always choose taste and safety (salmonella) before
luckily we understand everything he says
cba to watch all he ate.

but those raw eggs are definitely not worth it :D
he basically mixed frozen uncooked chicken breasts
image: ehf681

Enough said.
SHIT apparently that guy died because of his extreme diet :X
Atsumi Kitamura

QuoteKatsumi Kitamura died from heart failure on August 4, 2000 age of 39. He was preparing for the NPC's TOC in CA. He died due to severe dehydration and electrolyte imbalance probably&#65279; caused by his pure protein diet plan as seen above for a total of 9 weeks. no carbs, no vegs, pure protein

holy shit
Just blast some deca, no hard regime's needed ! Can look like a hot water bottle.
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