The Broken Sword Series

image: GClogga

We've recently had a look at the 4 games in the Broken Sword series created by Charles Cecil and his company Revolution Software. Are you into adventure games and have you played any of the games in the series before?

If so do you agree with our latest reviews?

Check them out at GamersCall.

Broken Sword: Shadow Of The Templars
Broken Sword: The Smoking Mirror
Broken Sword: The Sleeping Dragon
Broken Sword: The Angel Of Death
4th link is broken
I've got CD with Smoking Mirror somewhere ;-)

edit: working now
Ouch, thanks for pointing out. :) I can open it though, going to check out what I could be wrong.
Must be taking some time for the page to register that it has been published :/ Because I can see it on that link.. Will have to have to take a closer look on it :P
The 2 firsts are great...unlike the 2 lasts
First one was amazing, unfortunately I've never had the chance of playing the rest. I might just get around to it now!
Shadow Of The Templars was amazing back in the days.
great game :p
Weird, just completed Shadow of the Templars directors cut yesterday, played it when I was about 7 on the ps1, and I just started smoking mirror again today! I played BS3 and BS4, but they've tried to appeal to the mainstream with the 3d models. Considering getting BS2.5 but theres no english sound pack that i can find.

The problem with the Broken Sword games, is that after you have completed 1 & 2, you know that no other game can compare :<
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