mouseaccel fix

Somebody link me to that .exe file to fix mosueaccel, I need it after a format(format!!!), thanks.
format again
its mousefix.req not exe fuckkin noob
.reg not .req ... reg like in "Registration Entries"

and there is a program that does the same out there hence the .exe
works for polish people only imo, it's mica, don't forget
Cypher this might be what ur looking for
mouseaccelfix does nothing for ET and most of the games
go test ur self as long as u have "improved pointer accuracy" or something like that unselected at mousesettings u have no mouseaccel in et with windows xp
If it doesnt matter, play with it for a few days. Then revert to your old settings. It does.
i played long without any accelfix.reg or .exe with no accel in ET
around 2 weeks ago i installed Bond Nightfire and instanty noticed it had accel forced on so i downloaded accelfix.exe from anir and it removed accel completely in nightfire and in ET everything was like it used to be
That would be the case if ET (Q3-Engine) would actually make the right API-Call. But it doesn't and so the setting you talk about gets re-enabled.
i know ET uses win32 api and not directinput but it doesnt change windows accelsettings dunno about quake3 though
games like quake2 force "improved pointer accuracy" on and for that accelfix.exe is needed to lock the settings and not allowing the game to do that ET doesnt try to force anything
who needs that...
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