eyelid twitching

:< i have it for 2 days now how can i get rid of this bullshit ?

+ good morning cf <3
ive had it for 2 weeks :|
Oh, that's cancer
less pc and tv man
cut off your eyelid

pro: you dont have to close your eyes while sleeping! LOL
probably aids
reinstall eyelid
Incoming ptosis.
fap VERY furiously
I thought it was the plague?

(duidt op een tekort aan magnesium, zonder voorschrift te verkrijgen bij de apotheker)
you should just google tbh..
Use eyedrops and sleep more.
wtf is an eyeball twitching?
Eyelid.. anyways, it's when a muscle repeatedly contracts and extends, you can get that in like every muscle on your body, but often in the facial muscles that are almost constantly used.

Also called fasciculation, I think: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fasciculation
I have that sometimes. think its cancer behind the eye
"Patients are however advised to get more sleep and drink less caffeine"

thats all tbh
i get that shit randomly :D
It's annoying :P btw wanna play some quake duels tonight ?
or CTF :P its premium weekend rofl
sleep more, eat more fruit, drink less energy drinks lol
ik slaap 6,5 uur elke dag en ik heb al 4 weken geen energy drink gehad =]
afkickverschijnselen dan
Just get a good sleep.
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