man vs wild

the fuck is this shit? i hope u are not actual fanboys u tards

he even does traps out of his clothes to hunt animals (which would never ever fucking work as your clothes smell and no fucking animal would come close)

fuck sake guys
I wish I had your problems.
shut up dude this is serious bussines, one day one of those tards gonna get lost in a forest and when they are thirsty they are going to drink their own pee because that retard says that they shud, even if its something that u should never ever do.

image: SAS+Orina
there is actually lot of people around him so incase something really dangerous happen, hes ok but i guess it wont be shown in the TV episode then :) but for the pee thing in the snake, i guess he did some research about it or got informed
he is from SAS, wanna know what SAS says about drinking pee?

he obviously wasnt in danger of dehydration,(infact his never really been in danger while filming his show) the guy doesnt even sleep outside at nights. evrything is fake, evry climb he does with ropes taken out of trees (whatver they are called in english) are fake, he uses all the equipment, jumping out of high places to the water is one of the last shits u shud do too, theres no way u know how deep something is unless uve checked it out.

and as u said about the scenes, you are right, wanna see how they are filmed?:P
bear is fucking awesome
u mean the bear that "attacked" him during one of his shows?

image: beargMS2807_468x366

image: beargMS2807_468x348
and btw im really good at surviving, there was this day i took a plane and i was in eindhoven alone for a fuckign day, the airport is fucking small so i went to the city carrying all my bags and when i was in the center of the city i went to chill in some bench, then 2 big niggers came and they sat next to me, i didnt get scared and they did not kill me, they didnt even steal anything from me, even when i was carrying all those bags, we even had a chitchat, they wre somalian, probably pirates, very dangerous ppl. but i perfectly knew how to handle the situation. a nigger can kill you faster than those stupid bears he had to face on the show.
u had the same didnt u?:D i sat into a really centric square with a church next to it perhaps u were there, then over there 2 niggers came and sat one on my right the other one on my left:D ppl passing by was looking at me ahahah cuz i had all my bags with me.
Cant decide you are trolling or it really happend with u ?

no actualy it happend:P i was in a bench and they came and started talking to me, they were somalian for real but nice peeps:P
u live in the north pole, dont u ever jump into frozen water and then jump around naked like he does. it is not really worth it.
I live in the north pole ? after that sentence, I really dont bother to talk further with ya, seems like you are so lost.
Dude you're from finland, thats right next to the north pole. Get a clue...
idd, is he retarded or what?:S
que paso uni u mad tonight?

edit : are u mad about this pee thing because u tried it?
id never do that, im a good surviver
Yeah it's kinda ridiculous with the filming crew around all the time.
doesnt he stay at 5 star hotels when the camera isnt filming?
dno but atleast he never sleeps outside, whenver he is doing stuff he is always really close to civilization, his never more than 20 miles away from a city n shit.
btw im acting like OP now BLAH BLAH lol fuck retards LOOK AT ME rofl dehydration pee lol bears etc
wtf u on about
your idiocy
u are an idiot, i never insulted anybody who commented on the journal, the dehydratation stuff is because is one of the many stuff he does wrong i wanna point out.
and whats the point of whining at a TV show? if he did all that for real with a hand camera i woudlnt want to watch the whole 40 minutes with the camera shaking. Plus pee isnt so toxic that you couldnt drink it once or twice in a extreme situation
in a extreme situation if u drink your own pee u are dead, all he shows for surving is basically wrong, thats the problem. and those retards think that the guy is some kind of hero while its all made up, and in no program he has been more than 20 miles away from civilization.
bear grylls is a fucking g
Fake and gay,

if he come to chile Lo' vamos a cogotiar np4us
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