Biggest online FPS

Top Game Servers By Players

1. Half Life
34660 servers, 81204 players

2. Half Life 2
25439 servers, 67271 players

3. Battlefield 2
5906 servers, 18427 players

4. Battlefield 2142
2160 servers, 17080 players

5. Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
3651 servers, 12616 players

6. Call of Duty 2
6737 servers, 6570 players

7. Unreal Tournament 2004
2453 servers, 5988 players

8. Call of Duty
3178 servers, 5543 players

9. Americas Army: Special Forces
2146 servers, 4388 players

10. Quake 3: Arena
1911 servers, 2943 players

So ET is still 5th biggest online FPS out there. Its even bigger then CoD2.
ET deserves a LAN EC, just like CoD2 got last year. TBFH


ps: watch out if you are playing telenet2, BZZgret has her periods so be carefull or you will get kicked for typing a smileyface. I love ET community and its mature admins. On ETpub you get kicked for selfkill. On telenet because of using :> GG
overdrive you @&(["'§g$µm
81.000 only at hl :x not true tbh
Playing right now it means.
look how many half life (cs) has more than ET :p (servers)
But like.

How much players are on these servers ?

Compare that. Most of the ET servers are empty most of the time.
cod2 more servers that players...k
Biggest free Online FPS
564 servers, 4237 players
336 servers, 3044 players
1934 servers, 2619 players
a game with more servers than players is nice
For some reason, the Gamespy stats for CoD 2 are bugged since a long time. When the site was still working, you could see that at , now you can still see it at . However, 6th highest ranked game isn't too bad either. ;)
THAT must be the reason you got kicked :)
gooo gret
@ overdrive

pm me in if you have problems with me or another ref...

- i asked you to stop spamming your binds, not that smileyface but your binds
- you continued spamming
- i muted you
- you disconnect and reconnect
- so i mute you again
- you bleed and tk me
- so i kick you

boohoo childish behaviour rox thank you
ignore chat ftw nub
/m <namehere> ftw
BIND INS "vstr t1"
set t0 "cg_teamChatsOnly 0;BIND INS vstr t1; echo ^0ALL CHAT"
set t1 "cg_teamChatsOnly 1;BIND INS vstr t0; echo ^1TEAMCHAT"
set cg_teamChatsOnly "0"

Using smileys is considered spam?
Besides you were the only one having problems, nobody else complained ... If you have issues, plz take them out on somebody else. Nobody had a problem, but you. And if it realy was so bad, try doing a vote, refabuse is so low. To bad you are an admin.

Ofc I contacted an admin, just not you. I know you, once even played a mix with you, and i dont feel like chatting with a retard.

Quoteboohoo childish behaviour rox thank you

Stop hurting my feelings plz
Read my post: not the smiley was the reason, just your binds with fake quotes from more famous players then you...

it seems that your feelings got hurt, considering the contacting another admin to complain about my actions...


posting it here...

Funny tbh, i warned you, you didn't listen, take it like a man imo.
I muted lots of guys, unmuted them all the next round.
Kiddies like you who won't even try to listen or to ask what you've done wrong and start bleeding and teamkilling is just sad. No hard feelings from my side, just behave.

ps: the retard stuff... thx for more info
/me out
i forgive you

now get over it
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