Just a thought

I found this song that would be great for a frag movie. Well Here it is, please listen to the whole thing.

hey legendz aka rockin aka banned in ESL.
Am I banned too? I played one match and then I went for vacation. When i came home the leader told me we got banned because the other team accused Eeyore for hacking.
Yeah, you are banned. Multi accounts are illegal in ESL. ;)
Both of your teammates, bl1tz and Eeyore were accused for hacking. One got banned, one didn't, at that time.
i got a demo of eeyore wall hacking like shit in pub, if its needed
Already banned for 10 years. :D
hahaha :DDDD ty Mr.Justice!
Why done you jus leave them alon?
That would be pretty generic. And the fact that you just posted it makes it unsuitable for frag movies.
Well it was just a thought. I don't quite understand how it makes it unsuitable for frag movies because I just posted it, but thanks for your input I suppose. I like it a lot tho.
listen to the whole thing
boring with the time, not enough dynamics.
Dis Journal is now about ESL and banned crap
pretty good... gonna troll facebook now
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