Sheep S01E04


Another epic two42 production in which an utterly hammered England Sheep is the main character, the co-stars now are the Latvian and Brittish oldschoolers Latvia Clown and United Kingdom Crumbs accompagnied by newboy Slovakia Filus

For the record : All episodes are taken from the same night, we're just cutting the record into pieces.


Previous Episodes :

Sheep S01E03

Sheep S01E02

Sheep S01E01
aii... he's not making friends with this
do you have to laugh or something?
hahahaha :D
"just in case anyone is recording this"

how much did you get fucked over here
is that really him :D???
epic & crmbs rapes the shit outta any et player on rtcw
how many episodes left?
Coming from Hull isn't exactly something to be proud about.
All Yorkshiremen are proud of where they come from :)
preparation for tonight's match?
Veery nice :D
aaahahaah nice :D
Finally, someone who feels the same. Slovakia isn't a real country now is it....
sry sheep but im the best engiSMG!
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