Army experience

My first 3 months are over and my 9 days long vacation is halfway. I've done everything I wanted to do during the vacation so I'm kinda bored now.

So, share your experience of the time that was wasted on serving your country.

Loads of night alarms, digging a trench from morning to lunch, cleaning barracks 12 hours a day and doing push-ups with full equipment - all of this describes my first months in the army.
As if there would be Army in .ee
actually there is
Estonians host the "Erna retk" once every year and it's one of the hardest military challenges in the whole world and teams from all the world compete and every year estonians win. We have a good army and our soldiers serve in iraq and afghanistan. so you fail
was thinking the same :D
Võistluse katkestasid Kirde Kaitseringkonna, Saksamaa, Holland I ja Holland III võistkond.

Teams that aborted (couldn't compete and gave up) are South-East defencestuff(ee), GERMANY, Netherlands 1 and Netherlands 3.

The best german team failed, hähä.
How can we know it's a famous and prestige filled competition?

Besides, if so, no one will take this seriously + many countries brag about their special forces, in Norway everyone says that the Telemarks Battallion is one of the best trained forces in the whole world, which actually is a fact.

And while your "special forces" are back in estonia training for this "big event", we're down kicking the terrorists asses, but hey, that's just our special forces.
never said anything about special forces and prestige, just said it's one of the longest and hardest military challenges in the world and that indeed is a fact not like your "our soldiers kick ass fact".

Most successful teams are Estonians, then come Chinese, then Finland and Norway.
And nobody is specially training for any event, that's not what army is about. Now blow it out your ass, ur army sucks more than ours and I just provided you with a shitload of facts unlike your random bullshit.
What goes for that competition of yours, I don't really care, you have 18 teams while other countries have appr. 1-2.

Besides, you have a strong defense because of your neighbour, russia. And because of that, we're contributing more to ISAF for instance.
as if u know about anything that happens outside ur pc-world
which pc? flaming via iphone makes more fun :))
coming to crossfire with iphone sounds even more pathetic to me
lunch break, nothing useful to do in Germany!
Never been in the army.
We don't have national service here but to be honest I wish we did, it might straighten out a lot of arseholes ;D
You just wanna go so you can "fall victim" to the soap trap.
i was hoping others would fall victim :O =)

Wanna meet up? Have some sex? if my termonology is correct, im a power top.
well how old are you?
I'm 44, but young at heart.
just old enough, where do you live?
Arbroath, so no need to bring smokies.
whens the best time to come then? :o
Cum when your ready babes ;)
hmm just thinking this friday might be a bit too soon for me love, maybe next wednesday
I usualy wash my hair on a wednesday as the soaps arent on that night.

Good news is, I have a shower atleast twice a week, even if I dont need it.
Wait, I forgot what were talking about.
:D im a rebel : _ O
say hi to Night
Let's give him a hug!
No night alarms (well once), no digging trenches, cleaning barracks once a week for 2 hours, and doing a couple of push up each morning.
army in belgium is a joke so no army for me
10 month waste of time for me.

and still no clue why I did it at all
nach der seife gebückt?
hab es auch nicht vor, falls ich überhaupt hin muss
best year of my life
served as a plutoon leader
doing all the bad shit with my boyos bonded us pretty good and we had hell of a spirit
sharing the last cigarettes and all that
doing stuff you thought was impossible
getting praised by a general & getting to shake his hand, getting rewarded in front of your unit
not spending 2hours a day at your computer
being in best physical shape Ill ever be (most likely)
being adored by your rank (mostly by girls :-->)

time well spent.
where do u serve?
viru jalaväepataljon
If you wanna do some real army, come to Romania!
Hope i wont ever have to go to the army. Dont really want to leave the country just cause of that but ill have no choise then :(
da eto proval vashe nah nado:D
poka v univere vsjo dolzno bqt' norm, a potom posmotrim :D skoree vsego tak i tak uedu :D
slqshal lukas ho4et vvesti nalog tem, kto v univere u nas u4ilsja besplatno :'D
how's your football career going?
My military career is much better :D
image: 33209363

Good times.
you look young and sober
i fucked the general
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