It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

Truth is, it's not always sunny in Philadelphia. I hear it rains quite a lot.

image: It-s-Always-Sunny-in-Philadelphia

This is an American sitcom that 99.9% of people have never heard of, which is a great shame because it is the funniest sitcom that I've ever seen.

Season 6 started this week and because of this I ended up rewatching the entirity of Seasons 1-5. I feel that I have a moral duty to spread the word of Always Sunny.

Not a single person that I have recommended it to, that has seen it, has had ANYTHING bad to say about it. It really is that fucking good.

Don't believe me? Check out the Nielsen ratings for American TV. Find me a higher rated comedy at imdb:

Such is my urge to make others watch this TV gold, due to an oversight by Puretrak I have 2 Puretrak Talent mousepads to giveaway. IF ANYONE WATCHES ALWAYS SUNNY AND DOES NOT FIND IT FUNNY then I not mail one of these pads to you (I hope you live in the UK).
QuoteSeason 6 started again this week

so season 6 already aired before?
This is actually the only one I found when I searched :p

However it's far lower on the Nielsen ratings and on US tv metacritics!
I know both series and prefer iasip.
Arrested Development is nowhere as funny as flight of the conchords.
Saw FotC live a few months ago, was amazing.
Fuck was just going to post this.
Easily the funniest show on TV/the internet!
Will take a look at that, I loved Boston Legal.
It's apparently a copy of Sienfeld or what ever they were trying to do
Only heard about it a month ago but couldn't bother downloading it, eventhough it looks good
Will download now, cheers
Quote by The Pop Eye blog It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, a show that I practically had to be forced to watch because I had some crazy preconceived notion that it was just another crappy Seinfeld and/or Friends ripoff. It only took about 3 minutes in to the very first episode for me to realize how terribly wrong I was.
won't download, because of danny devito the fat prick.
He joins the cast at the start of Season 2.

Season 1 is a Danny-DeVito-free-zone. Go nuts.
ich mag diese art von humor :D daumen hoch für den polen
hihi alex du chaot <3
it was on tv here, not that special
Just started to watch it again from the beginning :p
Once again you love something distinctly mediocre...
ure a bad admin, so u have a bad taste too
i would do the blond...

and the show its decent, nothing more
I watched this a while back. Not funny.
Agree, love the show. Some episodes are just crazy (the one where they hunt down a hobo in order to teabag him or give him a gorilla mask).

Too bad I never really got that much in it.
Seriously, I watched a couple of seasons even till I realized I didn't really find it funny.
Btw, I don't care for Nielsen's ratings. But you did include an IMDB link ; )

Not funny, send nao
warning points incoming
the green man is awesome
starting season 4 today!
yeah, it rocks :)
i heard a lot of things too
I'll watch it, only if you watch SPACED
its so funny, my absolut favourite comedy
maybe its because me and my friends are similar with the gang, always endless discussions about random stuff etc such things :D i love it
arrested development is a smarter comedy but always sunny has proper gut laughs in majority of the episodes. And the acting is just ideal for the characters.

I loved the fact the name of the first show was what it was and then you find out why xDDD
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