house season 7 (potential spoilers)

who's seen it and what did you think?

i liked it - not entirely sure where they're gonna go with the whole house/cuddy thing, nor what will happen with the team (change is due at this point) but i'm looking forward to it

the standard "intro/progressive worsening of patient/epiphanic moment" plot of the episodes is hopefully going to be mixed up, as they did with the end of seasons 5 & 6 and when they did the whole competition for a spot on the team (can't remember what season that was), otherwise things could really grow stale this far into the series
competition was in season 4 and tbh that was so far most enjoyable part of House :D season 6 was epic because of House vs Wilson (Wilson was beast :D)

I think season 7 will be last season of House as they simply can't add anything more to it unless they want to add new crew, yet can't see that happen
The most overrated show on TV
what happend with "13" ?
Scrubs simply isn't the same without JD.
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