What are you.....

...Going to do in the next ~3 hours?
Now that we know CF will be down for at least a hour, with us fearing it will continue to two hours or even more, what will you do by then? Run naked in the streets? Do Anal for the first time?
Going to university lol :( got uni from 20-22gmt : (
play some ET/QL or watch a movie
dance at klub
something that has been never done before XD you crazy man
laugh at some jewjokes
share with us
spec perfo oN games tv image: game21281
playing some random mixes
I'll try to talk to some people in real life, haven't done that for a long time :)
laugh at fumble's small dick
sort of disturbing...
have dinner soon as i get home, watch 2 and a half men, then frag hard.
homework and then prolly play crossfire gta :)
gonna make some project of which I thought it was just some questions but after reading it, it seems to be fucking uber large and has to be done tomorrow :)
er verandert ook nooit iets hé :D
njah kga dat niet maken, die heeft dat maandag opgegeven, moet zo een heel plan van aanpak maken voor een bedrijf alles erop en dr aan enzo en kmoest vandaag ook nog nieuwe schoenen gaan kopen voor die school omdat ze mn oude schoenen niet goed vonden :)
watching kids against spurs.
when it stats cf will be on already
absolutely beast my guitar, got a new PRS Custom 24. I might actually make a journal about it later tonight! Just to boost my ego, you know, coz im so cool that I play guitar and stuff
Pressing F5. And pressing it again. And again...
Pressing F5. And pressing it again. And again...
Watch Arrested Development, cry over my own misfortune and gently fall asleep.
misfortune? was haste jetzt wieder angestellt?
Keinen Platz im Wohnheim gekriegt und jetzt hab ich ne Woche Zeit mir ne Wohnung/WG-Zimmer zu suchen.
im gonna play some CoH and after that watch bayern against hoffenheim
I'm gonna go to a chamber music concert <3
clean room, watch pron, take a shit and go shower
football prac

prac hard, go pro
playing wow
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