After the anouncement of the qualifier's for this eurocup saison,
we are glad to present you the new HighBot team.

We decided to play from now on under the flag of poland because we got Poland s1LENT in our team.

I will present you the HighBot team for the OC saison and for the Next EuroCup.


Poland Manager: Homer

Poland FiREBALL (C)
Poland s1LENT (C)
Poland humM3L
Poland caTcHeR
Poland criatura
Poland gr0ss (Still in contact with him about joining our pl community team)

We hope that Homer change his mind and that we get a qualifier vs some of our polish bro teams.

STATEMENT: We are quite sure next Saison we have a direct invite with that lineup and with the country flag, and with Homer as Manager nothing can go wrong.

Best regards Management of HighBot #HIGHBOT

You should not insult Homer! That has nothing to do He is Polish and there are ?3 clans in Qualifiers from his country. Noone could name three better teams. I agree only with that part to FUCKING KICKBANIGNOREBLOCK :h from Eurocup!

If you get gr0ss and s1LENT this team could be worthy for zeh spot ::3:3::D
e: better give ey money back!
Cool story brow

Quoteso i gtg work tomorow we care we play also OC (;
You are so wasting your time Daniel. First you started whining "Blabla to much PLteams" after that you start accepting the fact you gotta play OC "Nevermind we just will play OC then" and after all you start whining again and make yourself look like a retard.

Do you feel good about using his real name?
Got used to that.
why so. Why should I call him humm3l if I used to play with him and never called him like that?
I don't know, good point.
its season not saison you moron
both can be used dildohead
MORAN is ironic you moron : D
wtf do you want rofl ?
just gtfo low lifed piece of wank
Id like to see you telling me that face to face :)
dildohead is ironic MORON XD
lol, XD
I didnt understand hehe XD
direct invite next season, for sure
oh cmon, give it a rest..... You are a new team, you came from inactivity and you guys aren't EC quali worthy atm.. So be happy with the OC premier..... after all this whine i would remove you from OC.
ok thx 4 info m8

image: db-fullsize-33348-herr-der-ringe-die-rueckkehr-des-koenigs
"we are atleast better as 5 of the qualifier teams but we dont care and play Opencup (;"

You obviously don't care!
too fat for EC, bb.
image: funny-pictures-of-cats-with-captions1

ur seriously extending the meaning of word PATHETIC
amazing pic, isnt it? :(
forgot everything I was thinking about when I saw this, always happens with amazing pics like this, they tune you out and let your imagination flow, lovely :D
You probably really dont know how to spell Season. Seen you do that for many years now.

And your team doesnt deserve the qualli. You win the qualli anyway and end up in OC where you are too ego to play but prolly would come max 8th there if you would decide to play
Oh noes new polish talents :s
"definiert und athletisch"

image: 343jbkz
next season we will have 3 maltese ec teams, mark my words! :D
next saison maybe..
you good joker!
killerboy is homo :/
wird langsam traurig :-(
so old and so stupid !!

must be russian
what a fat retard :DDDDDDDDDDDDD
So u make a team like 2 weeks before EC, containing 2 players that can compete at EC skill (silent & fireball) and expect a qualifier.

I'd always give it to more active teams, that keep praccing and keep competitive throughout the seasons(!!) than some med+ team showing up 2 weeks before competition.
he has a point though, theres some low+ teams in qualis, who the fucking braindead idiot motherfucker cares if they're stable and active but are like SO LOW
and hummel's team is THAT much better than them ?

There's no doubt that there are some weak teams in the qualifiers for EC, but a bunch of them will be eliminated.
get real, only reason poland got 5 qualis is because Homer is polish

why in earth he couldnt give one spot to a german team???

its a big joke really
ye, squad.ee for example! :D

image: nxnjv7
you took the art of not-caring to a whole different level.
pracc hard against enhanced tonight? :>
fail team 4 the win
Woah what a retard :D
guess he still has some poop on his chin
Stop saying "I don't care ;)" when you care so fucking much. Did you cry in a dark corner Peter Griffin?
Stupidity has reached a new level. humM3L is definately the only one who can not only make a fool out of hisself, but of his whole team. My Condolences <3
GL next Saison
Didnt think you guys would ever be able to play together ;D but gl
humel -> pathetic ugly fat btich. get normal face
coming from a cheater k bro
face get normal ! combo x8
gl next saison
humM3l du peinlicher peter, geh mal sterben bitte
You should not mess Poland with this kind of bullshit.
Silent attack won from this team so we should be in EC too
laughing out a lot (please).
I dont think you deserve any EC invite
polak inviting polaks big suprise
you said you dont care !!!!!!!!1
Er heißt caTchEr!
Those polish teams are better than your clan and i highly doubt they're cheating, face it
gl anyways
well hummel at least your english is improving thanks to your pl bros
You wouldnt get out of the groupfase tbh, but you still deserve a qualy tho
why are people suprised by this
you dont care yet u make a journal saying how much u deserve EC and hope homer invites you.

you was for 2 saison not so high gamer, really nice gamer :/
cry me a river
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