ET is dead 2k10

ET is dead for sure... Its 1.25 am and BiO Public Server is empty...

How is that even possible? I remember day when bio was full even around 6 am...
Been dead for ages mate
more like semi-dead for ages :-)

back from jp?
hirnols is full with more than 20 players each server
Well, i guess momy wont spend cash for bandwith anymore ?
hirnlos owns
SLAC came out..
Bio = PB = not slac
yeh but many players quit et since slac came out,mean the competitive ones,means they wont play pubs anymore either :D

im one of them ":D"
ET died when kamz wasnt allowed to go CC lans anymore.
USA ETpro is dead for sure. I rarely see anyone at all at STA anymore :( idk with bio though prolly it got replaced by slac public?
STA is dead cus faggot hackers keep crashing the server.
et has been announced dead since 2003 ..... oh w8.....

when pubs are empty fritzbot and bobots almost do the trick
Cybergames two is full ;)
y its dead, no1 plays it
indeed it's sad seeing ET like this.... i remember coming online on sunday and paly paly...:(
+ i was public whore but now don"t even try for some pub :'(((((((((((((':(((
et is dead since goq is down
so fuckin true..
who the fuck needs bio with pb when you can play on slac public ?
is empty because punkbuster is a fucking lagg3r :p
when cybergames are empty at 18 cet, i will quit et
ja pierdole wyjdz z domu
polaks killed et with their hacking
your just no life.
PLAY JAYMOD: best server is this:
Name: .WAR|Clan. Europe
Game: Wolfenstein Enemy Territory Browse: Wolfenstein Enemy Territory Servers
Address: Port: 27010
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