
I'm currently at the first season. Is this series ever going to develop it's story? All there is just random ghosts and demons the two brothers are trying to stop in each episode.
Does it get any better?
yep. just watch it
I'm in 10th, got past ghosts, demons, dead kids, bloody mary etc...I just don't want a series that keeps repitting itself with random stories who I don't give a fuck up. Reminds me Fringe, but at least it had A LOT of secrets to worry about and the development in the story was well written, and there.
Hmm, I think my favourite thing about supernatural was always the season finales - they're fantastic. That said, it gets better every season. The plot with their dad etc. does build up, and more and more characters come into play further down the line, it's just a matter of getting to that point I guess.

I never really had an issue with case by case episodes, since fringe and house did the same and it works reasonably well for both.
I like it, it's a nice series, but it's not my type. Sometimes I just minimize it and browse on FF since I just cba watch how they found out what to do with the ghost. It's too predictable, and obviously they will win and won't die. It's something I hate, and won't give me the feeling I really wish to, series like Dexter, True Blood, Lost, Prison Break, those surprise you, and anything can happen there. I will ofc continue to watch it, and probably will watch all the seasons, but I'm so far disappointed.
i dont want to tell you how the story continues, just watch it... u wont be disapointed
pretty good series, i got into it after a few episodes, may take you longer though
Read my reply. It's nice, but not my type.
The first season sucks to be honest, but after finishing the first one, I could stop watching the other seasons.
theres plenty of fillers but theres a story too
It gets A LOT better. First season is kind of boring for most people I guess, I still liked it.
was thinking the same when i just started to watch it but it gets alot better, more storyline will come :P
One of the best still going series !

First season was quite boring, but after that, it just gets better and better ! So it's really worth the time ! :)
What Jewe said.
awesome supernatural is awesome
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