I don't know any of the recent journal contributors...

Time is running, new spammers? Where are the good old belgian spammers and the 2 il guy who spammed whole day? (ok i got pala, he is busy now with FM2010 and its fine but where is the other cohen guy?). ET is alive or everyone playing shits like LoL and HoN?
cohen is in the army
im still the best

missing spree tho
theodor has been at the army for like a year or so now :(
it must be hard to stop those aid boats.
cohen lost the dutch elections so hard. he prolly killed himself
nope, he felt really down at the start, but i linked him this page http://jenk.co.uk/ and things went great from then on.

best site ever.
brb jenking
They lost by one seat...
cohen is in the army , he could be dead by now , no one knows

on the other hand , ET IS DEAD YO
need music corner
Israel imstillhere
cohen is in the army, and hey im still active!
Paul the wtf, i hope the liverpool led by you is already relegated
probably going to end up 2nd, just like the other 4 seasons :P
who is winning?
arsenal (holy shit they didn't even lose a game)
dont forget in 2025 Chelsea is relegated, Leeds are coming up to be a good middle team in PL and Pool cannot get forward from the 3rd place. Ah and Leicester and Man City are the best teams beside my MU side.
manu hasn't been in the CL for like 3 seasons :P tottenham performs surprisingly good, and manc eventhough they have a seriously scary team (balotelli, tevez, silva,milner,toure etc) are struggling @ 4-5th place

im ALWAYS first until ~march where they take my place...i lose maximu ~4 games a year and i still don't win the stupid league :(
unlucky jew
ur gfx is too shit for FM so die
trev nerd
heyyyy noobie!
trev nerd <3
my láv <33
cool story bro
uploading fifa11 atm so cba to make journals..
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