FIFA 11 torrent released!

yeah! no:(

hook me up with some nice singleplayer games!
oh you :(
stupid trollers
well its released for ps3 & xbox

no pc :[
yeah, cant wait:(
Ik kan ook niet wachten
ill sell u original for 25€
xbox 360 controller for windows is on its way to its daddy :)
haha going to buy it aswell:p

or lend it from a friend, cba to buy a xbox360 or ps3 when i have an awesome pc :p
I suggest you rather buy yourself one instead of borrowing it. It's quite cheap (bought it for 25 euro plus transport) and you might need it for other games as well :)
will just borrow to test it, will buy one myself :)
torrent is up btw
just go to PC world and buy one. fuck, and i thought that THE NETHERLANDS is one of the wealthiest counties on EARTH.
Just Cause 2 is ok if you want to spend tiem
played and finished it, apart from some side missions ;)
fuck fifa , waiting for fm11
Splintercell. Nice downloadable.
Ik heb hem al, je bent traag stumper.
hou bek nerd, je hebt nix
goot troll :)))
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