splash screen > console?

ok so not your usual frostbite splash screen vs console scenario, for example:

1sec on the clock, allies cap at 0, splash screen says allies win and console reads 'objective not reached in time' bla bla, cue team rage. (example of post match thread rage here)

My question is what if the situation is reversed? For example (match from earlier)

First attack (pigs) ended with a splash screen finish so therefore (by above theory) shouldn't this be considered a set time?

The second attack resulted in the other team (Team 7) being full held (15:00).

Despite the obvious (not "beating the time"), how can you differ the two? Team 1 (pigs) set 15:00mins and Team 2 (Team 7) didn't? What would have happened had Team 2 got a splash screen result too? Shouldn't they cancel each other out? Or is it a frostbite, splash screen > console result?

pigs accepted it as a "double full hold" (maybe wrongly so?) map, so no issues with the result in the end, but still makes for an interesting point.
console is more accurate, so I guess that is the one.

also your example is inverted
This is even more of a mindfuck than the journal below :O
screen imo
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