weird tracking question

explain please:

i played a match on ettv, and when i speced myself later on, i realised that i tracked slightly behind the enemies (like 5mm, pretty much actually), but not on the enemy. but when i played the match live, i KNEW 100% that i was perfectly ON the enemy. (didn`t get hitsounds though....)
made me think "wtf?"

antilag? or what is that? i didn`t notice any lags in this match. does it have to do with wlan and wireless zero shutdown?

i also noticed that when i play ET i feel like my game is 0.5s behind the actual game happening (LOL i know). kinda like a major lag. also when i shoot at walls, the hitsound comes a bit late. only an illusion, or may this happen in some cases? i noticed this mostly after i bought a totally new setup (new computer, internet etc etc)

maybe i just have really slow reaction, but it would surprise me :D

sorry for the weird quest :D

ps: i control spread via spreadscale and slow movements, so it cannot be spread...
My aim is always on but never any hits.
if u fix this problem, you will get a skillboost and paly ec
hahah :D

i hope man, i hope so badly.............

it's called antilag
seems like you need to play rifle
hahaha ye i thought about that :D
but don`t like it too much ... :(
other suggestions?
noobs that i owned so badly were suddenly A LOT better aimer within 1 week or so.... WTF!
If you can't out-aim them, out-smart them BOOM!
honestly: in 5 years of ET, i played only 7 time rifle.

if that`s the only way to play decent, i will /quit. i am not you and don`t have rifle skills....
It's just a game, have fun, care if your not uberskilled or whatever ;/
its not even about skill, i am not an ambitious gamer u know. but imagine my situation....

but very true, made me feel better tbh, thx.
i had that too and i prolly still have that
Sounds like some kind of connection delay. The same thing happens to me when I play in U.S.A servers.
yes after writing so much i thought i could have done it in 1 sentence:

it says i have 48 ping, but its like playing with 148 ping -_-

use palehook its slac proof and costs only 15 euro

oh wait
i am fucking serious!!! :(
are u half-polak?
u insane? the polak percentage is like -99.9999999%
hmmm then u arent half-polak?
no not even 1/100 man :D nothing against them, but ye... :D

50% swiss 50% italian, yay!
so its 100% etbot AAHAHAH SELFBUST so epic
LOL :D u just bored, get a life man :D
dude i have tomorow exams what i have better to do than pissing u off?
swallion h3h3
swiss italian
LOL =)

wie auch immer das zustande kommt. warum nicht swissalian? swallion :D

swiss + italian + camerun = swallowmycum , oder wie? :DDD
had and maybe still have the same :<
have it for 5 months now :(
its your ping u lowbob

if u ever play with high pingers and spec em while u are dead ull notice the same...

cant belive ppl on cf doesnt know about it.
awww you idiot, my ping is constantly 48.

cant believe a 14 year old idiot replies to my journal.

for this i would love to slap you, but you`re only 14 :( maybe i would try to sell you to africa, faggot.
i just told u what is it u piece of shit u are welcome. its the antilag

and for other cf retards u wont fix it.there is nothing to be fixed.
antilag and having a high ping is not the same hahahah :D
selfownage <3 <3

just go cry to your mommy, tard! :D

"i speced myself later on, i realised that i tracked slightly behind the enemies (like 5mm, pretty much actually), but not on the enemy. but when i played the match live, i KNEW 100% that i was perfectly ON the enemy."

this happends when u have some lagg ffs, i play with 98 ping myself and when i see myself not live happends the same, while i play my xhair is right on em.

if u spec any high pinger is goign to happend the same. thats why when u hide to a corner and when u are 100% sure u were behind the wall they still kill u, because teh dude is a high pinger or u had lagg.
but i got the same

thats why I mostly get lower dmg than u guys
god................ evrybody has it........

plus u alwasy fuckign lagging polak.

stfu nerd.
i never lagg you fucking spaincunt

its just when you see other people shooting and they aim 5meters next to you , they still hit you

and if I aim ON them , I still get no hitsounds sometimes

its just a fucking shitgame yes

u are alwasy lagging when i spec u, whenever i see u running u dont run smothly, i see that it stops running and then u appear randomly on were u shud be if u didnt lagg.
ye thats sometimes wireless shit laggs , but im speaking in general nerd
"its just when you see other people shooting and they aim 5meters next to you , they still hit you"

its what i said about the god damn lagg on the corner. havent u seen casek ffs?

if u notice the guys hitted u where u were before. infact his xhair when he hitted u was ON you if u wud see his screen live. its what i explained b4.

its not like hitboxes become bigger.

and soemtimes i do aim on them and i didnt hit. mayeb he is lagging or whatever so his hitbox is out of the place.
yes they do

shut up
wireless + gaming
and u ask this kinda questions ?

W T F !!!?!?!!

and yes there is already a "natural lag" so what u saw on ettv would be a normal thing
i think this is just the consequence for you with using wireless internet!

snoop also experienced that, back when he had a wireless connection, so he got himself a cable and voilá!

its only normal.
ok, thx. maybe i m gonna try it.
naja, das stimmt ja jetzt ni so ganz ;P
to bad i cant have cable connection, playing with wireless for 5 years now

would like to know how it plays with cable:D
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