better safe than sorry, Vito

Mafia II we're speaking about.

So far so good... if we talk about the plot, climate, etc.

But the game is soooo fucking slow on my PC. I turned it to 640x480, everything 'low' and 'off'. This is no fun with such lag. Is there anything else I could do to improve the flow of the game? Do I have such a shit PC? T8100, GF 6600M GS (512 MB), 3 GB RAM is that bad? :/
your processor is bad yes
the rest is above average ok
Woah, hold on a sec. I thought the gfx would be the worst out of it. I mean, they sell weaker processors in stores, you know, the adverts saying T7xxx, etc, so if I got T8100 (bought 2 years ago) it's still better than than notebooks from MediaMarkt and other shit.

laptop processors t9400 or up
a laptop life exptancy depends 90% on how good the processor is

6600 has a nice chipset u should be fine with that if u had a good processor

premade notebooks arent that good

now if we mix the cost/performence ratio
four things makes a computer
graphic card(onboard equals none)

laptop board - consider brand (toshiba, hp, lg)
processor - t9x00 or up(be carefull on some new processors that "save power" but cost u work time)
ram - whatevs because depends on how much u wanna spend
graphic card - whatevs because depends on how much u wanna spend
thank you. well, I guess it's nothing I can do about it. I have dell vostro, and I could configure it. I took almost the best processor possible back then to this notebook.
my is 49 / 100 (i consider that higher than 100 is like uber shit processor)
my is 107 / 196 (the intel Graphics Media Accelerator (GMA) 4500M still runs et lol )

always get advice from people who know better
ur laptop is not bad is an above average its expected to run everything for like 4years maybe 5 using a lite version of winXP x64

i think i know some things but still i always ask for a second opinion
This is the way technology is pushing us to buy new pc every few years :/
speaking off which, i just came back from a 2hour session of mafia II

the game required quite a good pc for it to run smooth, dont ask me why..:(
how about fifa 11? will it lag the same way? I tried demo (with keyboard :d) and it looked quite smooth. Hope it will be the smooth in final version as well^^
final versions always run better than demos afaik so dont worry:)
comodore times
im playing it atm.

the story and everything is so freakkiiinnnng amazing so far im having difficulties describing what i feel. im in the jail now.
You might want to use spoiler tags before someone who isn't that far in the game yet reads it. ;)
its like 20 minutes in to the game.
Find it quite amazing how you reduce 10 chapters to 20 minutes. Speedrun the game in an hour!
skipping cutscenes! :)
its chapter 7 or even 6.
So much wasted potential in this game. Makes me wanna cry :'-(
potential? The story is amazing and the plot is amazing. However the game is way too short to my standard.
just play mafia 1,

i tried mafia II but just like the guy who started this journal my computer was way to slow, and i had to play at lowest of lowest graphics. So i decided to go and download mafia 1.

I could run it at highest graphics and for such an old game it looked realy realy good!!!
also the gameplay and the story is amazing, some say its better than mafia II.
and it takes you long to get true all the missions, even when the story ends and you think that the game is over, you unlock a free ride extreme mode, with 19 very hard missions. for each mission you pass you get a new nice and cool car!!!

its like one of the best games ive ever played!
I'm not just "the guy that started this journal". I'm a man, I have feelings. My nick is Dreamweaver :(
yea.... right...
I kinda agree :(
Dexter is the best series ever
mafia is the biggest shit ive ever installed on my pc.
shit pc is shit : p I can run it with all setting on max ;)
nice game but incredibly easy. completed all missions on hard without problems :(
Yeah, I also noticed it.
Could easily be as awesome as the first one, but it isnt. Still an awesome game though with the playboy touch especially, im in chapter 5 atm.
Perhaps this is this oldschool nostalgy. Can any sequel be better than the first part in the eyes of someone who played the first part when it was released? :)
The game really seems awesome to me, when you look at the city, the way you move, etc. I cant just yet say if it's indeed worse than the first part, but will see :)
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