hb baq :>
Happy birtday BAQ
28 Sep 2010, 08:22
Happy birthday to this men, hes 30 years old today. He tells me he will sit with his kids all days and then ply ET, while driking beers :)
Happy birthday old man
happy bday my favourite polak <3
baq for EC !
you're so active on crossfire lately flushje!
No, im just working allot lately
me tooo! im doin real work though, so i can't sit on my ass and browse crossfire all day :<
Whatever your job is....my job is probably about 10 times more demanding.
yeah, i guess that's why you're on crossfire so often. cos your job is so demanding :D
Just cause you see me "online" doesnt mean Im constantly refershing on cf, its open in the backround most of the time.
I hope your job doesn't demand spelling skills. Brb, refershing.
No, haha, spell checker all the way, I think thats why I make spelling mistakes, Im always expecting the system to fix it for me
who caers anyway ;>
I see what u did there
happy birthday baq :)
hb young man :D