Your Desk!!

I ve always liked those kind of journals and since i just made new pics of my gaming room, i thought, why not make the 555th vesion of that journal :)

Here we go :>

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Now its your turn!
schnell nen keyboard nebens keyboard wegen coolneespurposes
steht schon seit 1 jahr da :P
und wie nutzt man das ohne midi controls?
ich benutz es eigentlich nur zum leichteren ausprobieren von neuen ideen...
Is mir wesentlich lieber als irgendwas in der Pianoroll zu entwerfen.
why 2 screens?,
1 to play ET
other to spec with wh:p
the right one was the screen i bought together with my pc..
its a pretty cheap and shit screen so last year i decided to get a good one...
and since a second one is still practical for good workflow, i kept the old one :>
zwei bildschirme haben, aber die zigaretten selbst bauen. das sind mir die richtigen!
is halt ein unterschied obste in der woche 25 euro für rauchen ausgibst oder 4 :D
abgesehen davon is der geschmack besser und purer vorallem mit weißen oder schwarzen OCB papers
ja ja ich bin deutsch und ich lieb wurst
We have the same monitor :PpP
which one, the viewsonic or the benq?
Actually i just kept the benq one since its practial for reading and for better workflow...
but the right one is worth nothing anymore and the viewsonic is a real qualityscreen, i mainly use for all games and applications
lol joystick
nerd likes aeroplanes. wnb terrorist :(
saitek x52 <333
x52 pro*

image: desktop_old

with different keyboard,mousepad,mouse
they re the best!
image: io2ni8

400 dpi + 1.2 sens zlol
lulz dont you permanently hit the keyboard witih your right thumb?
mm. its about 70cm/round :D
thats why u suxxx :p

same keyboard from french lan.
I know :(, getting new table soon though!
got new "computer chassis" / computer case or box, dunno how to say :>
need to remove the old one
got the same mouse pad , but with a stylish in the right corner :D
Is that a tv screen? :D
Must be horribly straining for the eyes.
i guess thats why there are many different sorts of tabak ..
tastes are different and i personally dont need to smoke the strongest stuff to be cool..
Still the blue drum is far from Waldluftzigarette
Shit pic is shit

image: 5033280884_5325166151_b

with my lovely new earphones :)))
you re playing with inears?
Usually speakers, but when I'm in for some srs grming I use those cx550 :-)
+ That webcam there is my mic :pp
and comms by screaming out the window?
or ingame chat?

edit: ahh :P
fucking awesome home cockpit y0, i wantZ
My private coffeshop
image: 280sa50

+ Midikeyboard
image: 2zguc1g
your midi keyboard looks pretty massive and big... the behringer one is way smaller
I use it mainly for midi-controlling, got a akai mpk61 for composing, but its at a friends studio atm.
that studio thingy is my main problem...
might be a little early since i just kinda came into producing and my experience is really low but i definitely need somebody with a studio, to at least get some vocals done
build ur own or make friends with a studio owner ;D
image: 37266_447357525529_554665529_6550934_2399506_n

yes i am :P
you produce completely without a keyboard?

i ve tryed it before i bout it but doing new melodys and trying ideas is way easier with that one... and since its not that expencive i definitely think it was worth it :P
i have a korg k61p midi keyboard out of shot :D
what are those speakers and how much are they?
thinking about getting some of those aswell...
Alesis M1 Active MK2 monitors, cost me about £286 plus £150 for the audio controller aaaaand £25 for the cables lol
ah nice, found them for around 190€ here in austria...

btw are you doing that producing for a living now or still just as a hobby?
atm as a hobby, been doing it since i was around 10 just keep getting more and more involved moving onto college courses and stuff too
nice, i kept checking out some of your tracks... pretty good and unique stuff..
still i m just getting into it although i m learning more and more about it lately..
but i m not sure yet what kind of music i will do... atm it became a chillout ambient house track but for my first project i like it :> you can give it a shot if you want
Cheers, im never happy with any of them most of the time end up redoing them over n over lol still learning myself happy with how my production is atm just not happy with my arrangements and intros lol used to have nice intros :(

not bad liking the ambient house style something i havnt heard in a while :D good work for your first project :D
can i find you somewhere on irc in case i need some competent help?
/q Suiy or in #snappers
The Monitors need some more space (50cm at least) infront of the wall for enhanced resonance. For the small size alesis speakers are pretty good, tho i prefer yamaha hs80m.
yeah i do move them, i didnt actually have them on in the pici have to shift quite a few things off the desk aswell gonna need some mats for them aswell :P
des merilyn monroe poster hat stil ^^
und die krachn im hintergrund..
eine krachn mit schaft, lauf und ohne abzug =D
wieso ohne abzug? :o
weil i blind bin xD
i´m an austrian nazi hunting down people on tze mariahilferstraße.. showing off with my kewl gun on crossfire yeah !
:P zielst am bestn auf die krocha
ausm 1 euro shop ;D
That gun to set you in the mood when playing ET? :D
hahaha funny how everyone talks about that gun :P
noo its just there because i dont have any other place for it :( its an old gun from my grandfather which looks great and works great.. so i want to keep it somewhere :)
Make some brackets and put it on the wall / in a glass frame : )
it was hanging on my wall already (not in a glass frame tho) but then i bought 2 big speakers which are now there instead of the gun.. and now i dont have any free place on my wall anymore.

well above my head at the bed.. but then i would feel kinda strange and scared of it falling down on my head :P
Or, someone walks in your room they'd be like 'I'm not gonna fuck with him'. Gives you a bit of status having a gun mounted above you @ bed :PPP
lool :D brb mounting it above my bed !
I love how people blatently tidy up before they show their desk off :D
i did but not today... i changed the arrangement of the pc last week and moved it outof the desk corner to its current position...
when i did that i tidied it up :>
I would show you my awesome setup but dont have any leads from my cam to my PC. Basically I have a mini fridge that is about a meter tall holds like 2 cases of beers! then my PC with a 22" widescreen and a 50" screen with the new xbox, wii and ps3 :D
holy... i somehow want to make friends with you!
Sounds well nerdy, but when the ALMIGHTY guys came to stay at mine before LAN. We played on the PC and had it showing on the big screen so we could kick back on my sofa and watch it :P

I know what youre thinking.... MASSIVE NERD :D
maybe you ve heard something about the austrian aGu player hal...
he has quite a nice flat in vienna with a tvscreen mounted in his kitchen, some kind of an office with 2 pcs inside and in the livingroom he also has a huge tv connected to the pcs in his office...
when we met there to watch the ec final (together with aGu/joey), joey had an offi before the match so he played in the office and hal and me took the sofa, a beer and a pack of cigs and followed the match in the living room :PP

I understand you!
All that just to rock out to some nu metal :D
Got my £300 surround sound hooked up to my pc no worries! :D
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