28 Sep 2010, 15:06
what's up with it? I cannot download anything anymore from it :/
Use HotFile instead.
I got a RS premium account so I'm gonna use that one till it's expired.. after that I might change since people are apparently moving to hotfile
RS has milked us for too long. The last policy change was just an outright disgrace and I refuse to pay for that shit any longer.
yeah true but it always worked perfectly so I've always been very happy with it as a DOWNLOADER. Now the system has changed so UPLOADERS can't gain "points' anymore etc so that kinda sux.. any other big changes/reasons why people are moving to other sites??
dont pay to download |-)
I'm getting the same speeds as RS on hotfile. Maybe you've got a 100mbit connection but I'm getting a solid 2 to 5 mbyte per second here on my 30 mbit line, which is pretty sweet!
I've not had anything like those speeds. Always over 1 mbyteps
RS is like a cancer now. Needs to be stopped.
megaupload ftw