fifa 11 problem

So unfortunately, the DVD drive in my notebook doesn't want to cooperate with fifa 11 disc (like almost all other discs, because it is kinda broken^^), so I wonder if downloading the game by torrents and then typing in some keys will make it as a workaround.

Or should I download it from EA, steam or whatever?

i dont think you can use a bought key to dl from ea or steam...
simply download it and use ur own key. i highly doubt that rips such as razor1911, skidrow, reloaded, skullptura (and avenged for that matter) will steal ur key.
oh, i didnt even think they might be stealing the pass from me.
what i meant is if that ripped version will give me problems, like unability to play through the internet, etc.
no. all the rips you download these days are pretty much as in original.
you will have to apply the crack first in order to bypass the games "security".
so hope that ur DVD is sufficient to proof that you got an original... and if it doesnt im pretty sure there is (will be) a crack that doesnt disable the multiplayer as i tend to crack all my games just for convinience purposes.
ah, i see now. thanks for help, mate!
yes you can download from EA server you have register your key with EA download manager and then you dont need DVD you can directly download it.
oh this is great. thank you, ill get down to it after champions league. cheers!
damn, seems i got to wait till the premiere... :(
did the controller arrive polakm8?:)
when i saw aviso in my mailbox i went to the market to buy the game and brought the pad from post office when coming back :)
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