Charlizard! :-D <3

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<3 Czech Republic Charlizard

pwning Czech Republic noobs at LAN Germany urtier style :-D
cool :)
charlie ! <3
Thats my game-face as well
he should /q humm3l to learn how to loose 50kg
imagine this guy singing "National Anthem of the Soviet Union" on teamspeak= awesome :D
wud hate sitting next to him on a bus or plane or anywhere else
He looks exponentially nicer than the (mental) image he gives of himeslf on the internet.
exponentially? wow u get better on every post man !
Yes, ^2 at least.
gtfo of charlie <3
charlie <3
fat thirdie ? the fuck
charliee <3
charliee :)))
hello there
charlie from the chocolate factory?
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