ET Problem!

Connect to a server and BOOM... kicked for...

image: ggsg7

Any ideas?
windows xp 64 or smth??????
Yeah... but only did it today for the first time...
HAve you recently installed/ changed anything?
A program Kev sent me but that's gone already... nothing else I can really recall.
That might have caused a problem if you installed it. All the more reson to turn on system restore ;)
The 5 points :

1. Open directery
2. Select 'Enemy - Territory'
3. Press right mouse button
4. Select 'Delete'
5. Get a life :D
on all servers?
For error 131131 - I was able to figure out that Security Update for Windows (KB917422) is the update that conflicted with Punkbuster. Once I removed it, it worked.
you work for the KGB isnt it?
"you are working for the KGB, arent you?"
yeah thats why i have a 4,5 out of 10 for english :<
its a sign, get a life
Still not fixed :(
api function = haxx
api = A set of routines that an application uses to request and carry out lower-level services performed by a computer's operating system. Also, a set of calling conventions in programming that define how a service is invoked through the application.

I will let you try and figure out what to do next :)
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