awesome :)))

going to test that on someone named haydar yilmaz!
Public Toilet Personal Ads

If you have the targets mobile phone number, write in on the wall of a public toilet in a message similar to this "Hi, Im [name], [age], 11 inch uncut, seeking mature males for good time. Call: 04XX XXX XXX". Extra points if you do this to toilets that are known for gay soliciting.
Unwanted Baby

If you really want to fuck with somebody's life, here is a great way to do it. For messing with a guy, look here. Girls will be down below. Please note that all the details require extensive knowledge and require getting out of the house and getting close to your mark. This also requires the person who's life your trying to ruin to have a girlfriend/boyfriend AND be having sex.

tl;dr You need somebody to have a bf/gf and be having sex.
[edit] Guys

This one is a difficult and requires 3 important things to fuck up a guy's life.

1. Get a condom
2. Pierce the condom
3. Place in persons bag, room, coat, etc where they would use it.
4. ???
5. Profit

* Pro tip* Girls usually have fucking large purses. It might be easier to slip it in unsuspectingly.

[edit] Girls

Now if a girl carries condoms you could either try to pierce the ones she has, or slip a pierced one in her purse/bag when she doesn't notice and HOPE she uses it.


This might be a bit more difficult, but

1. Find her birth control pills.
2. Steal them After she has had sex.
3. ????
5. Profit!


After getting the pills you can replace them with tic tacs or sugar candies or anything that somebody could be fooled into thinking is a birth control pill.

tl:dr Either pierce the condom of the guy, or give pierced condom to girl w/o her knowing. Or fuck with her pills.

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