
I want to minimize ingame, but it turns black when I play ET with fullscreen.

Jacker on 28/09/10, 19:14:45 PM | Reply

let me gues you have an ati gfx card right? I wasn't able to get a minimizer working untill i got a new card from nvidia :D

does someone has a solution for it, I have Ati gfx card :x
ctrl + alt + del and try minimizing there
or simply not use minimizer since it runs in the background..
No, I want to minimize quikly, not first ctrl alt delete etc. Just like I did before, but with my new comp it isn't working :) only in smallscreen.

Just want to push alt shift or smth
and while ur commenting here, post a link to a normal minimizer for me :p cant use search option of cf :)
go to lightnings profile:)
okido dankje
have u tried any other kind of et minimizer?
etmin.exe and the 1 of lightning
are there any more?
there are also ETMinPro, Quake3 engine minimizer, Wolfenstein minimizer
i'll try, thank you
quake3 minimizer is working, thank you
etmin.exe works here
If all else fails you can play in windowed mode with your desktop resolution. When you want to access your desktop open the console which releases the focus and alt+tab to whatever window you want to look at.
ctrl+alt+del -> task manager aplications
right click in et -> minimize
oh snap it works thank you so much
QuoteNo, I want to minimize quikly, not first ctrl alt delete etc. Just like I did before, but with my new comp it isn't working :) only in smallscreen.
try alternative mode in lightning's minimizer
maxcounter :D
win7? run etmin.exe as administrator ...
If nothing else works, try playing the game in a windowed desktop resolution. If you want to switch to a different window on your desktop, just open the console to make it focusless, then use alt+tab to switch to word hurdle
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