I feel old...
2 Oct 2010, 09:34
nothing tells you that time is passing like 2 kids (around 15-16) asking you to buy cigs for them in local shop and reffering to you as "mister". makes you feel really old seriously
so anyway what are your plans for today crossfire? going out? nerding? me is going out to see Vecordia, cool band playing folk metal, you can check them out on youtube, myspace and www.vecordia.pl
to people:
someone explain this to me :D
so anyway what are your plans for today crossfire? going out? nerding? me is going out to see Vecordia, cool band playing folk metal, you can check them out on youtube, myspace and www.vecordia.pl
to people:
someone explain this to me :D
ok thxs bb
"Hey hunny can you pass me the remote, its in the next room, maybe you can reach it"
what kind of porn do you watch :D pervert
milfs all the wayyyyyyyyyyyyy