sickest motoryclicst ever

he is really an idiot, but with great skillzzzzz :u
the force is strong with this one
No matter how good a motorbike rider is they will always crash and when they do thats nearly always end of them.
Never seen the Uppsala run of Ghost Rider?
Check this out: Uppsala Run
Sicker than the Ghost Rider in my opinion. He's not going that fast but there's just so much traffic. Had a sick feeling in my guts watching that guy drive through the standing traffic in the end. Expected him to crash at any moment.
syriuszly boring?
to dobrze, ze nie chcialo mi sie linka otwierac ; d
If you think that was insane, watch Ghostrider 1-5...or just check youtube some of his clips to get some foretaste.
well imo this one is sickest than ghost rider, he's driving slower than GD but had much greater chance of an accident.
Russians got talent!
boring as shit
Guys got balls but is either an idiot or has a death wish. Riding like that will always end up with him or someone else dead eventually.

Not something to be impressed by tbh
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