deep question inside

what is your opinion on the plant commonly called marihuana being the essence of life and the necessity in your daily routines?
fuck off superior
no one answer, he'll just steal your thunder

superior: what is your opinion on the plant commonly called marihuana being the essence of life
Talon: opinions come it many different shapes and sizes
Talon: vary from one extreme to the next
superior: XD
Talon: but as for me...give me liberty..or give me death
superior: vary from one extreme to the next
superior: im gonna use that in my essays
great shit man

try to use that
Go fuck a sheep
eh the personal experiences of yours, sorry no need for them
drugs are bad, they make people even dumber than they already are
marijuana bad, you may jump of bridges etc. never will use that shit, makes you go crazy :S
you are a weakie if u can't manage without
It leads to heavy drugs like heroin LOL jk it's good for you.
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