my first clip :PpPpP

nice fail
* * * * *
gratz, one kill
its not about the frag :< the QUALITY counts
Wasnt bad, really too short to have a nice opinion imo
Wow nice can you make mine? nah would be nice to see your final one.
yeah nice quality
nice ownage
best movie evar
Nice quality!
that clip is better than znArk's
znArk :')
du bist so eine dumme schwule schwuchtel o0
your first 3hs with pistol on a non-moving target ? grats :D
touch your head and think again, you are just sad.
nice Tags lol :D
Im gonna list a few things here about the frag

Very 'hard' to kill

1) Jyrkz
2) Jyrkz coming through the door
3) Jyrkz almost standing still
4) Jyrkz not shooting back
5) Jyrkz ..
You got my point there, too bad I am not skilled enough to get a reply like you did from znark.
See above!
Musashii <3
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